MIKSER DESIGN MARKET | Back to the Industrial Design

MIKSER DESIGN MARKET | Back to the Industrial Design 
/April 17th, 2016, Mikser House/

OPUS - Wood Line Studio

PROTOS - Wood Line Studio
OPUS - Wood Line Studio

Mikser Design Market: Back to the Future, is back to its roots! - exhibition on April 17th fully responded to "restoration of old flame" - the love to Industrial Design. Beside the well known features, designers have introduced brand new products, as well as trends of the profession./ Aprilski Mikser Design market, uz parolu "Povratak u budućnost" obeležio je povratak korenima! Izložba održana 17. aprila u potpunosti je odgovorila najavi za obnovu "starog plamena" - ljubavi prema industrijskom dizajnu. Pored već poznatih, dizajneri su predstavili i nove proizvode, time nagovestili i moguće pravce razvoja industrijskog dizajna.

Special guests of the exhibition were students and graduates of Technology Management and Design of Furniture and Wood Products - TMD (University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry), as well as successful participants of Young Balkan Designers competition / Posebno mesto na izložbi imali su studenti i diplomci odseka Tehnologije, menadžment i projektovanje nameštaja i proizvoda od drveta (Šumarskog fakulteta u Beogradu), kao i uspešni učesnici konkursa Mladi Balkanski Dizajneri

See the full gallery at Mikser page  / Pogledajte ceo album na stranici Mikser-a

NODE - Milica Dejanović
KA Klupa - Jelena M Matić / Foto: Aleksandar Jakonić

NODE - Milica Dejanović / Foto Jelena M Matić
CITY BOX - Jelena M Matić / Foto: Aleksandar Jakonić

What Design Can Do

WHAT DESIGN CAN DO | Design Challenge
/Entry Deadline - 20th May 2016/
The What Design Can Do Refugee Challenge is a global design competition that calls on the creative community to come up with game-changing ideas for accommodating, connecting, integrating and helping the personal development of refugees. The challenge specifically focuses on refugees in urban areas, as nearly 60 percent of the world's 20 million refugees now live in urban areas / Šta dizajn može je globalni dizajnerski konkurs, koji poziva kreativce da osmisle inovativna idejna rešenja koja će imati potencijal da u značajnoj meri doprinesu u privremenom smeštaju, povezivanju, integraciji, i pomoći u ličnom razvoju izbeglih lica. Konkurs se posebno bavi izbeglimau urbanim okruženjima, imajući u vidu da 60% od ukupno 20 miliona izbeglih u svetu danas živi u urbanim područjima.

What Design Can Do (WDCD), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the IKEA Foundation invite designers, creative thinkers and imaginative trouble-shooters from all countries and disciplines, including refugees themselves, to take part. / Šta dizajn može (WDCD), UNHCR, i IKEA Fondacija pozivaju dizajnere, kreativne teoretičare, i maštovite u rešavanju problema, iz svih zemalja i oblasti delatnosti, uključujući i sama izbegla lica, da se prijave za konkurs

Five best entries will receive up to 10,000 euro each, expert advice and our guidance in developing their concepts into feasible plans, ready for implementation. Both new ideas and existing concepts that deserve further elaboration are eligible. Read more about the process or enter now: the deadline for submissions is 20 May 2016! / Pet najboljih rešenja biće nagrađeni pojedinačno sa do 10,000 evra, stručnim savetima i vođenjem u toku razvoja ideja do ostvarivih rešenja, spremnih za primenu. I potpuno nove ideje, i rešenja koja zaslužuju dalju razradu, imaju pravo učešća. Više informacija na stranicama konkursa, u delu proces i prijava. Rok za predaju radova je 20. maj 2016