REALISATIONS & TMD University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry | BELGRADE Furniture Fair NOW 2018 / REALIZACIJE & TMP Univerzitet u Beogradu-Šumarski fakultet | BEOGRADSKI sajam nameštaja SADA 2018
We might often think about:
Why is it important for a design solution to be creative? Does the economical solution exclude highly aesthetic forms? What senses do we employ while using furniture, and why are they important to consider in design process? .. etc. / Često se zapitamo: Zašto je važno da projektantsko rešenje bude kreativno? Da li ekonomično rešenje proizvoda isključuje visoko estetizovane forme? Koja čula aktiviramo kada korisimo nameštaj i zašto su ona važna u projektovanju? .. itd.
The answers to the above questions, and much more, can be found at this year's international Fair of furniture, equipment and interior decoration in Belgrade - BELGRADEFurniture Fair NOW 2018, at the exhibition space of the Faculty of Forestry (Belgrade Fairgrounds, Hall 2, Level C), presenting new designs developed at the University, as well as the new book named R E A L I S A T I O N S by Prof. Jelena Matić (University of Belgrade, 2018) featuring more than 30 innovative student designs, from the TMD University of Belgrade - Faculty of Forestry, realised in the period 2004-2017 in curricular and extracurricular activities. Enjoy! / Odgovore na pomenuta pitanja, i mnogo više od toga, može se pronaći na ovogodišnjem međunarodnom sajmu nameštaja, opreme i unutrašnje dekoracije - BEOGRADSKI sajam nameštaja SADA 2018, i to na izložbenom štandu Šumarskog fakulteta (Beogradski sajam, Hala2, Nivo C) u okviru koga će biti predstavljena nova rešenja, kao i nova knjiga, pod nazivom R E A L I Z A C I J E Prof. Jelene Matić, u izdanju Šumarskog fakulteta u Beogradu 2018, kojom se predstavlja više od 30 inovativnih studentskih dizajnerskih rešenja, sa odseka TMP Univerziteta u Beogradu-Šumarskog fakulteta, realizovanih u periodu 2004-2017 u nastavnim i vannastavnim aktivnostima. Uživajte!
We might often think about:
Why is it important for a design solution to be creative? Does the economical solution exclude highly aesthetic forms? What senses do we employ while using furniture, and why are they important to consider in design process? .. etc. / Često se zapitamo: Zašto je važno da projektantsko rešenje bude kreativno? Da li ekonomično rešenje proizvoda isključuje visoko estetizovane forme? Koja čula aktiviramo kada korisimo nameštaj i zašto su ona važna u projektovanju? .. itd.
The answers to the above questions, and much more, can be found at this year's international Fair of furniture, equipment and interior decoration in Belgrade - BELGRADE
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