/October 16th, 2014/ 
Communicating, equally through the form and the process, the Interactive wood ibrary KSILOTEKA, designed and built by students and mentors of University of Belgrade’s TMD department, in cooperation with Strajko Co, for their Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, aimed to highlight new views on learning about wood, through direct and unique perception of its diversity, aesthetics and tactility. A year after the first exposure in Belgrade (2012 at the Mikser Festival, the Festival of Science, the DESIGN BLOCK at Belgrade International Furniture Fair), the project has been honored with the the prestigious 35th Belgrade Salon of Architecture Award (Experiment) and the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce Award (Design solution).

Komunicirajući, jednako kroz formu i proces, Interaktivna biblioteka drvnih vrsta na Šumarskom fakultetu u Beogradu, osmišljena i realizovana od strane studenata i mentora sa Odseka TMP Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, u saradnji sa preduzećem Strajko Co, pruža novi pogled na učenje o ovom drvetu, kroz neposredni doživljaj njegove raznolikosti, estetike i dodira. Godinu dana nakon prvog predstavljanja, u Beogradu 2012. god (Mikser Festivala, Festival nauke, i u selekciji DESIGN BLOCK na Međunarodnom sajmu nameštaja u Beogradu) projekat je ovenčan prestižnom prestižnom Nagradom na 35. Salonu Arhitekture u Beogradu (kategorija Eksperiment), kao i Godišnjom nagradom Privredne komore Beograda (kategorija Dizajnerska rešenja) .
Materialized in cooperation between the Faculty and the local industry, the concept breaks up with traditional frameworks of learning and passive forms of acceptance and transfer of information, highlights the ability to perceive wood (as the material of contemporary design practice) through one’s personal experience and perception. The primary function – to collect and update the variety of samples for the purpose of clarity in presentation of its biological, mechanical and physical properties is thus achieved and expanded. The project has been realized in cooperation with Strajko Co, the company with vast experience in a variety of wood species; thanks to its activities, the potential to gather a wide variety of species from all over the world, as well as the enthusiasm of young authors from the University, the effort emerged the Interactive wood library unique to the region.

Ideja Ksiloteke, koja je realizovana u saradnji fakulteta i industrije, zasniva se na razbijanju klasičnih okvira učenja i forme pasivnog prihvatanja i prenosa informacija i mogućnosti da se kroz iskustvo i ličnu percepciju formira stav o drvetu kao materijalu savremene prakse projektovanja i dizajna. Osnovna funkcija ksiloteke, prikupljanje i ažuriranje različitih drvnih vrsta u cilju preglednosti i prezentacije bioloških, mehaničkih i fizičkih svojstava drveta, je na taj način ostvarena i proširena. Ksiloteka je realizovana u saradnji kompanije Strajko, koja poseduje višegodišnje iskustvo u radu sa najrazličitijim drvnim vrstama, i fakulteta. Zahvaljujući aktivnostima kompanije, koja je godinama prikupljala uzorke iz celog sveta, i entuzijazmu mladih ljudi sa Šumarskog fakulteta, nastala je ova biblioteka drvnih vrsta, jedinstvena u regionu.
The structure of the interactive installation is a set of four L-shaped mobile panel elements whose advantage is in a number of combinations, which gives a flexible configuration that can form different types of scenery within the same space. The outer is a smooth, bright, monochrome surface made from Koto wood, while the inner structure hides 148 samples of different wood species, in the form of interactive perky structure with chaotic form shaped to respond to the behavior of person who passes through the installation, indicating one’s presence at the very moment. Thirteen wood species were used to create the vertical forest of sticks. They all have different color, texture, odor, sound, hardiness, elasticity and density.

Strukturu interaktivne instalacije čine 4 nezavisna pokretna pločasta elementa L oblika, čija prednost je u velikom broju kombinacija, čime se dobija fleksibilan sklop koji pruža različito formirane kamerne scenografije u okviru istog prostora. Spoljašnji, završni sloj instalacije je glatka, svetla, monohromna površina izrađena od vrste drveta Koto u čijoj potkonstrukciji su skriveni uzorci 148 različitih vrsta drveta. Unutrašnji sloj predstavlja interaktivnu bodljikavu površinu koja svojom haotičnom strukturom reaguje na ponašanje osobe koja prolazi kroz instalaciju i upućuje na njeno prisustvo. Za izradu vertikalne šume štapova na zidu korišćeno je trinaest vrsta drveta, različitih po boji, teksturi, mirisu, zvuku, tvrdoći, elastičnosti i gustini. 
The company Strajko Co  is an exclusive importer and exporter of both exotic and native wood. It offers wood of over 240 various tree species from all over the world. It has been on Serbian market since 2006 as a part of Strajko Group that has been developing its business in Russia for 15 years. The company`s business activities are strongly related to the territory and market of the Republika Srpska and Montenegro. Since 2008, the company has been offering authors’ exclusive interiors (furniture design, staircases and complex wooden structures, and high quality flooring), and exteriors (exterior timber cladding, pergolas, facades, summerhouses), unique saunas and restorations

Preduzeće Strajko CO je ekskluzivni uvoznik i izvoznik egzotičnog i domaćeg drveta. U ponudi ima preko 240 različitih vrsta drveta iz čitavog sveta. Strajko Co je na našem tržištu prisutan od 2006. godine i predstavlja ogranak Strajko Group koja vec 15 godina uspešno razvija svoje poslovanje u Rusiji. Strajko CO svoje poslove vezuje za teritorije Republike Srpske i Republike Crne Gore. Od 2008. godine nudi i autorske ekskluzivne enterijere (komadni nameštaj, stepeništa i složene drvene konstrukcije, vrhunski parketi), eksterijere (spoljašnje drvene obloge, pergole, fasade, letnjikovci), unikatne saune i restauracije.

Furniture and Interior Design branch of TMD Department (Technology, Management and Design of Furniture and Wood Products) works on creating graduates, with a strong technical foundation, to develop and create new concepts in furniture industry. Students successfully exhibit their prototypes on professional fairs at home and abroad, as well as on a variety of cultural events. Their efforts and work have been appreciated with numerous awards and recognitions over the years. Especially within the Master academic program `Modeling of Wood Products`, where multidisciplinary approach and interweaving of academic knowledge and personal experience in related professional fields is particularly highlighted, a number of enrolled students coming from various related academic backgrounds, with particular affection to wood and desire to expand knowledge in this field, are attracted to this module.

Usmerenje za projektovanje nameštaja i enterijera odseka TMP (Tehnologije, Menadžment i Projektovanje nameštaja i proizvoda od drveta) radi na stvaranju stručnjaka koji sa jakom tehničkom podlogom razvijaju i stvaraju nove koncepte u industriji nameštaja. Studenti uspešno predstavljaju svoje prototipove na sajmovima u zemlji i inostranstvu, kao i na različitim kulturnim dešavanjima, a njihov trud i rad nagrađivani su brojnim nagradama i priznanjima. Posebno u okviru master modula Oblikovanje proizvoda od drveta neguju se multidisciplinarnost i preplitanje znanja i iskustava iz međusobno bliskih oblasti, pa tako veliki broj upisanih studenata, koji imaju naklonost prema drvetu i želju da prodube znanje iz ove oblasti, potiče sa srodnih fakulteta. 

The project has been carried out within the workshop in which students, in collaboration with their mentors, actively participated in the process of the design and realization

Projekat je realizovan u okviru radionice u kojoj su studenti, u saradnji sa mentorima, imali priliku da aktivno učestvuju u procesu projektovanja i realizacije

Project leaders: / Rukovodioci projekta
MA Jelena Matić, TMD Faculty of Forestry / TMP Šumarski fakultet
Dragan Nikolić, Strajko CO / Preduzeće Strajko
Prof dr Zdravko Popović, TMD Faculty of Forestry / TMP Šumarski fakultet

Workshop mentors: / Mentori radionice: 
M.Arch Miljana Nikolić, TMD Faculty of Forestry / TMP Šumarski fakultet
B.Sc Milica Nešovanović, Strajko CO / Preduzeće Strajko
M.Arch Milica Dejanović, TMD Faculty of Forestry / TMP Šumarski fakultet

Students-authors / Studenti autori:
Tijana Lukić, TMD Faculty of Forestry / TMP Šumarski fakultet
Milan Mlinar. TMD Faculty of Forestry / TMP Šumarski fakultet
Vojislav Dacić, TMD Faculty of Forestry / TMP Šumarski fakultet
Oksana Čolić, TMD Faculty of Forestry / TMP Šumarski fakultet
Gordana Stepanović, TMD Faculty of Forestry / TMP Šumarski fakultet

Support in prototyping / Pomoć u izradi prototipa
Emir Bećiragić, TMD Faculty of Forestry / TMP Šumarski fakultet
Dragan Krivokapić, TMD Faculty of Forestry / TMP Šumarski fakultet
Uroš Vitas, TMD Faculty of Forestry / TMP Šumarski fakultet

Project Leader Prof Jelena Matić jelena.matic@sfb.bg.ac.rs, or Workshop mentor M. Arch Milica Dejanović, dejanov_m@yahoo.com

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