REALISATIONS & TMD University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry | BELGRADE Furniture Fair NOW 2018 / REALIZACIJE & TMP Univerzitet u Beogradu-Šumarski fakultet  | BEOGRADSKI sajam nameštaja SADA 2018
We might often think about: 
Why is it important for a design solution to be creative? Does the economical solution exclude highly aesthetic forms? What senses do we employ while using furniture, and why are they important to consider in design process? .. etc. Često se zapitamo: Zašto je važno da projektantsko rešenje bude kreativno? Da li ekonomično rešenje proizvoda isključuje visoko estetizovane forme? Koja čula aktiviramo kada korisimo nameštaj i zašto su ona važna u projektovanju? .. itd. 

The answers to the above questions, and much more,  can be found at this year's international Fair of furniture, equipment and interior decoration in Belgrade - BELGRADE Furniture Fair NOW 2018, at the exhibition space of the Faculty of Forestry (Belgrade Fairgrounds, Hall 2, Level C), presenting new designs developed at the University, as well as the new book named R E A L I S A T I O N S  by Prof. Jelena Matić (University of Belgrade, 2018) featuring more than 30 innovative student designs, from the TMD University of Belgrade - Faculty of Forestry, realised in the period 2004-2017 in curricular and extracurricular activities. Enjoy! / Odgovore na pomenuta pitanja, i mnogo više od toga, može se pronaći na ovogodišnjem međunarodnom sajmu nameštaja, opreme i unutrašnje dekoracije - BEOGRADSKI sajam nameštaja SADA 2018, i to na izložbenom štandu Šumarskog fakulteta (Beogradski sajam, Hala2, Nivo C) u okviru koga će biti predstavljena nova rešenja, kao i nova knjiga, pod nazivom  R E A L I Z A C I J E Prof. Jelene Matić, u izdanju Šumarskog fakulteta u Beogradu 2018, kojom se predstavlja više od 30 inovativnih studentskih dizajnerskih rešenja, sa odseka TMP Univerziteta u Beogradu-Šumarskog fakulteta, realizovanih u periodu 2004-2017 u nastavnim i vannastavnim aktivnostima. Uživajte!

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TMD Centre for Teaching & Innovation

The newly equipped TMD Centre for Teaching & Innovation presents a portion of a permanent set of University of Belgrade's First Collection of Furniture, since 2018 / Novoformirani Inovacioni centar odseka TMP Šumarskog fakulteta početkom 2018. predstavio stalnu postavku dela Prve kolekcije nameštaja Univerziteta u Beogradu

Newly equipped TMD Teaching & Innovation Centre was established in 2018, with the aim to improve the quality of teaching, and to ensure, through promotion and exchange, a continuous introduction of students into research, development and innovation. Through a newly established collection of materials, techniques, hardware, construction techniques, tools, catalogs and professional literature, it will unite and enrich the teaching content and methods, to improve research and development of projects in order to create new generations of experts in the field of technology, management and design of furniture and wood products./ Novoopremljeni Inovacioni nastavni centar TMP odseka osnovan je sa ciljem da unapredi kvalitet nastave, i kroz promociju i razmenu obezbedi kontinuirano uvođenje studenata u istraživačko-razvojni i inovacioni rad. Kroz novodostupnu zbirku materijala, tehnika, okova, konstrukcija, alata, kataloga i stručne literature, objediniće se i obogatiti nastavni sadržaj i metode, unaprediti istraživanje i razvoj projekata u cilju stvaranja novih generacija stručnjaka iz oblasti tehnologija, menadžmenta i projektovanja nameštaja i proizvoda od drveta.

The project has been initiated by the TMD’s Katedra of Final Wood Processing at the Faculty of Forestry, and the beginning, the students from all levels of study were involved in planning and design, under the mentorship of their professors from.The team of students who worked on the design of the interior design project were: Milica Dejanovic, Miljana Nikolic, Aleksandar Burda and Tijana Lukic./ Inicijativa je potekla sa Katedre za finalnu preradu drveta TMP odseka Šumarskog fakulteta, a u planiranje i projektovanje su od početka bili uključeni studenti svih nivoa studija, pod mentorstvom svojih profesora. Tim studenata koji je radio na izradi idejnog projekta enterijera su činili: Milica Dejanović, Miljana Nikolić, Aleksandra Burda i Tijana Lukić.

The authors: The author of the classroom desk & chair is Petar Blagojević, with his associate Sonja Rodić, senior student. The typical conceptual solution of the lecturer's lectern for this space, as well as for all classrooms at the Faculty of Forestry, has been designed and developed by master student Aleksandra Smiljanić. While students of the 4th year Marija Despinić and Ivan Simić have been working on the design of closets, as well as their constructive development and preparation for production, as well as in development of other elements of the interior in cooperation with colleague Srđan Orozović./ Autori: Autori školskog stola i stolice je bio Petar Blagojević, sa saradnicom Sonjom Rodić, apsolventkinjom. Tipsko idejno rešenje katedre predavača sa govornicom za ovaj prostor, kao i za sve učionice Šumarskog fakulteta je osmislila i razvila master student Aleksandra Smiljanić. Dok su na projektovanju plakara, kao i njihovoj konstruktivnoj razradi i pripremi za proizvodnju, radili studenti IV godine, Marija Despinić i Ivan Simić, koji su i ostale elemente enterijera razrađivali u saradnji sa kolegom Srđanom Orozovićem.

The realization had two stages (interior without furniture to October 2016, production of furniture, to October 2017) and was helped by the partners from the industry: KRONOSPAN, SAGA, TOP WOOD, PINOLES, FER SHOP, ESTIA, TRAKSLER, WOOD LINE DESIGN STUDIO, XYLON, ELEKTRONIX, MONTPROJEKT, ELMAMONT, EXPLOCOP-GRADNJA i ORACAL POLIKARBONATI, while Bojan Delic and Zeljko Studen, as specialists, specially contributed to this project./ Realizacija, u dve faze (izrada enterijera bez nameštaja do oktobra 2016. i izrada nameštaja, do oktobra 2017. godine) pomogli su partneri iz privrede: KRONOSPAN, SAGA, TOP WOOD, PINOLES, FER SHOP, ESTIA, TRAKSLER, WOOD LINE DESIGN STUDIO, XYLON, ELEKTRONIX, MONTPROJEKT, ELMAMONT, EXPLOCOP-GRADNJA i ORACAL POLIKARBONATI, a svojim zalaganjem posebno su doprineli stručnjaci, Bojan Delić i Željko Studen.

"B-SUITE" training for students and teachers of the TMD department took place in the newly formed space, in October 2017, for which TOP TECH WOODWORKING donated sixteen lap top computers, while BIESSE installed its software. Employees of the Faculty of Forestry, especially teachers and associates of the TMD department, CIT and technical service, contributed to the realization of the project./ U novoformiranom prostoru je tokom oktobra 2017. održan „B-SUITE” trening za studente i nastavnike TMP odseka, a kompanija TOP TECH WOODWORKING je za tu svrhu donirala šesnaest lap top računara, dok je kompanija BIESSE instalirala svoj softver. Svojim radom i zalaganjem realizaciji projekta doprineli su i zaposleni Šumarskog fakulteta, a naročito nastavnici i saradnici TMP odseka, CIT i tehnička služba.

Equipping the classroom with tables and chairs, a student workshop "STO-lica" was organized at the TMP department. The idea of redefining the classroom through the design of school furniture was developed under the mentorship of the associate professor prof. Jelena Matić, while all necessary tests were carried out at the Laboratory for quality control of the Forestry faculty, under the leadership of doc. dr. Igor Džinčić. Beside the Faculty of Forestry, product development was supported by Mita from Leskovac and Traksler from Loznica./ Opremanje školskim stolovima i stolicama, organizovano je putem pokretanja studentske radionice „STO-lica“ na TMP odseku. Ideja redefinisanja učionice kroz projektovanje školskog nameštaja razvijana je pod mentorstvom vanr. prof. Jelene Matić, a sva neophodna ispitivanja su izvršena u Zavodu za kontrolu kvaliteta nameštaja Šumarskog fakluteta, pod rukovodstvom doc. dr Igora Džinčića. Razvoj proizvoda su pored Šumarskog fakulteta pomogle i kompanije Mita iz Leskovca i Traksler iz Loznice.

As a result of working on the classroom furniture, by author Petar Blagojević, a graduate engineer of TMD, along associate Sonja Rodić, master student at TMD, the MUSE desk&chair classfroom furniture product successfully emerged. The process and the prototypes were premiered in Ljubljana in 2016, at the international student conference Innovation School Sprungbrett (a four-year project launched together by the faculties of Switzerland, Russia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia, that encourages student research in the field wood industry and forestry) as well as the Mikser Festival, as part of the Young Balkan Designers exhibition, organized by Balkan Design Network./ Rezultat rada na projektu školskog nameštaja, autora dipl. inž. Petra Blagojevića, master studenta TMP odseka, i saradnice na razvoju koncepta Sonje Rodić, apsolventkinje, je proizvod sto i stolica MUSE. Proces, i prototipovi, premijerno predstavljeni su u Ljubljani 2016. godine na internacionalnoj studentskoj konferenciji Innovation School Sprungbrett (četvorogodišnji projekat pokrenut od strane fakulteta iz Švajcarske, Rusije, Slovenije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Makedonije i Srbije sa ciljem da se podstakne istraživački rad iz oblasti drvne industrije i šumarstva kod studenata) kao i na Mikser festivalu 2016. godine u okviru izložbe Mladi balkanski dizajneri, Balkanske dizajn mreže.

The feature of the School Desk & Chair MUSE is that it allows organization of seating according to the of school tasks – table can be grouped into archy rows for lectures, in special groups for group work, or they can stand individually, when student exams are being conducted. Connecting parts is quick and easy, while flexibility in connection allows greater interaction and communication among students. The circular shape of the chair provides greater freedom of movement, and the armrests make the necessary support. While these featurers are ergonomical, they also contribute significantly to the psycho-physical and social development of students, as well as to the quality of the education process itself. Among other, the product construction also distinguishes by: a small number of elements; rational use of materials; seat innovation - the average plywood has sufficient flexibility for comfort, while retaining the strength; lightness provides an easy manipulation and new organization; tables and chairs can be set vertically, which ensures economical packing and transport; the construction allows the storage of bags and wardrobe; the armrests can easily be attached to the desk in order to provide a necessary space for floor meintenace./ Odlika školskog stola i stolice MUSE je da omogućava organizovanje sedenja po potrebama školskih zadataka - stolovi se mogu grupisati u lučne redove za predavanja, u pojedinačne grupe za grupni rad ili mogu stajati samostalno radi pismene provere znanja. Povezivanje je brzo i jednostavno, a prilagodljivost rasporeda omogućava veću interakciju i komunikaciju među đacima. Kružni oblik stolice pruža veću slobodu pokreta, a rukonasloni neophodnu potporu. Navedene prednosti su ergonomskog karaktera, ali bitno doprinose i psiho-fizičkom i socijalnom razvoju učenika, tako i podizanju kvaliteta samog procesa obrazovanja. Pored ostalog proizvod odlikuje i: mali broj elemenata; racionalnost upotrebe materijala; inovativnost sedišta - prosečena šperploča ima dovoljnu fleksibilnost za udobnost, a zadržava potrebnu čvrstoću; lakoća pruža olakšanu manipulaciju i jednostavno pomeranje u novu organizaciju;stolovi i stolice se mogu slagati po vertikali što obezbeđuje ekonomičnost odlaganja i transporta; konstrukcijom je omogućeno odlaganje torbe i garderobe; pomoću rukonaslona stolica se lako “kači” na sto, radi lakšeg održavanja čistoće poda.

The chair "Muse" was awarded as the Best Design by the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce (2016), as well as with the Balkan Design Network’s International Award for Best Young Balkan Designer (2016), while both, the table and chair won the Golden Key award in "The best concept" category at the 55th International Fair for Furniture, Equipment and Interior Decoration in Belgrade./ Stolica „Muse” je nagrađena od Privredne komore Beograda u kategoriji Najbolje dizajnersko rešenje (2016), kao i Internacionalnom nagradom za najboljeg mladog balkanskog dizajnera koji dodeljuje Balkanska dizajn mreža (2016). Školski sto i stolica „Muse” dobitnik je I nagrade Zlatni ključ u kategoriji „Najbolji koncept“ na 55. Međunarodnom sajmu nameštaja, opreme i unutrašnje dekoracije u Beogradu.