Student Designs for the Interior Furnishing of the Faculty of Forestry
the occasion of the jubilee, one hundred years of the Faculty of Forestry, the Department of Wood Technology is organizing an
exhibition of projects of its students. Representative examples of
furniture and interiors were selected, from the collection of
several hundred student projects, which were made for the needs of
equipping the space of the Faculty of Forestry. The review of works
provides insight into the scope and quality of design solutions that
include realizations from previous periods, current works, as well as
future visions of the development of the faculty space./ Povodom
jubileja, sto godina postojanja Šumarskog fakulteta, odsek Tehnologije
drveta priređuje izložbu projekata svojih studenata. Izabrani su
reprezentativni primeri nameštaja i enterijera, probranih iz zbirke od
više stotina studentskih projekata, a koji su rađeni za potrebe
opremanja prostora Šumarskog fakulteta. Sagledavanjem radova pruža se
uvid u obim i kvalitet projektantskih rešenja koji obuhvataju
realizacije iz prethodnih perioda, tekuće radove, kao i buduće vizije
razvoja prostora fakulteta.
Having in mind the modern tendencies and needs of students, which are changing intensively, the works represent an innovative approach to work, which follows the time trend and initiates positive changes in education and the way of studying. Design solutions in combination with technology, make special solutions for the space for which they are intended, reflect the image and represent the values of the institution, which strives to provide a modern space for student work./ Imajući u vidu savremene tendencije i potrebe studenata, koje se intenzivno menjaju, radovi predstavljaju inovativan pristup u radu, koji prati vremenski trend i pokreće pozitivne promene u obrazovanju i načinu studiranja. Dizajnerska rešenja u kombinaciji sa tehnologijom, čine osobena rešenja za prostor kom su namenjeni, odražavaju sliku i predstavljajući vrednosti ustanove, koja teži da omogući savremen prostor za rad studenata.
The exhibition conveys an example of good practice of the Faculty of Forestry, where students are encouraged to base their learning on a holistic approach and gain new knowledge through research on their own projects. The projects also contribute to a better environment, making it stimulating for other students, who are aroused by the desire for new creation. In this way, security, efficiency and satisfaction in the interaction between students and the environment increase, creating a sense of belonging. The works also act as a means to improve communication between users, integrating social relations in creating a more intimate atmosphere. / Izložba prenosi primer dobre prakse Šumarskog fakulteta, na kom se studenti ohrabruju da učenje zasnuju na holističkom pristupu i steknu nova znanja kroz istraživanje na sopstvenim projektima. Projekti ujedno doprinose boljem okruženju, čineći ga podsticajnim i za druge studente, kojima se budi želja za novim stvaranjem. Na ovaj način povećava se sigurnost, efikasnost i zadovoljstvo u interakciji između studenata i okruženja, stvarajući osećaj pripadnosti. Radovi deluju i kao sredstvo za poboljšanje komunikacije između korisnika, integrišući društvene odnose u kreiranju prisnije atmosfere.
Author of the exhibition / Autor izložbe: Prof. Jelena Matić,
Autor of the setting and graphic designs / Autor postavke i grafičkih rešenja: Jelena Košarić
Asistence in realisation of the exhibition / Pomoć u realizaciji izložbe: Zdravko Popović, Nebojša Todorović, Uroš Vitas, Marko Veizović, Goran Cvijetićanin, Marija Despinić
Autors of prototypes exhibited / Autori prototipova: Petar Blagojević, Jelena Košarić, Uroš Vitas, Emir Bećiragić
Autorhr of projects / Autori projekata: Adrian Banč, Aleksandra Burda, Aleksandra Smiljanić, Anđela Stanojević, Vojislav Dacić, Gordana Stepanović, Danijela Lemić, Emir Bećiragić, Ivan Simić, Ines Bajić, Jelena Vlašković, Jelena Košarić, Jelena Matić, Marija Despinić, Marijal Manojlović, Marija Prelević, Marko Golubović, Milan Mlinar, Milica Grahovac, Milica Dejanović, Milica Nešovanović, Sonja Rodić, Srđan Orozović, Tamara Papić, Tijana Lukić, Uroš Vitas
Mentors of projects / Mentori projekata: Jelena Matić, Zdravko Popović, Miljana Nikolić, Igor Džinčić, Aleksandra Burda, Milica Dejanović, Vojislav Dacić, Uroš Janković.
Exhibition supported by / Izložbu su podržali: BEOEXPO Sistem, Student Cultural Center Belgrade, Mikser, Zov Commerce, Traksler, ORACAL polikarbonati,
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