208 anniversary of University of Belgrade
208th ANNIVERSARY | University of Belgrade
“Learning in stride, look to the centuries!"
“Learning in stride, look to the centuries!"
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Dositej Obradović Monument in University Park in Belgrade / Photo: Dnevno.rs / Logo: Faculty of Forestry |
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Dositej Obradović |
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Ivan Jugović (Jovan Savić) |
A significant contributor to the establishment of the Great School, giving the initiative and knowledge, was Dositej Obradović, one of the most respected intellectuals of the time, writer, educator, reformer, a member of the Governing Council of Serbia - the first minister of education. His words "O dužnom počitaniju k naukam" inaugurated the Great School, as well announcing a new era of cultural and educational prosperity of Serbia / Značajan doprinos osnivanju Velike škole, svojom inicijativom i znanjem, pružio je Dositej Obradović, jedan od najcenjenijih intelektualaca tog doba, književnik, prosvetitelj, reformator, član Praviteljstvujuščeg sovjeta - prvi ministar prosvete u Srbiji. Njegovom besedom "O dužnom počitaniju k naukam" svečano je otvorena Velika škola, ali i najavljeno novo doba kulturnog i prosvetnog uzdizanja zemlje.
The Great School was initially organized as a combined (classical gymnasium and college) and the first professors, in addition to Dositej and Ivan Jugović were Sima Milutinović-Sarajlija, Miljko Radonjić, Lazar Vojnović and others. After interruptions, due to turbulent times of fight for national independence, with the official decree on Knez Miloš Obrenović, from 1 July 1838, the school renews its work under the name of the Beogradski Licej (Belgrade Lyceum), first in Kragujevac, then in Belgrade (1841), and with the decision by the government on 24th September 1863 it grew into the Great School (establishment of faculties of Law, Philosophy and Engineering - some of the professors were Sima Lozanić, Milan Jovanović-Batut, Mihailo Petrović Alas, Jovan Cvijić, Đura Daničić, Josif Pančić ...). The adoption of the Law on the University, in March 1905, the school was promoted to University (with the right to award doctorates). Selection of teachers was then entrusted to eight full professors, very respected at that time: Jovan Žujović, Sima Lozanić, Jovan Cvijić, Mihailo Petrović Alas, Andra Stevanović, Dragoljub Pavlović, Milić Radovanović and Ljubomir Jovanović./ Škola je u početku bila organizovana kao kombinovana (klasična gimnazija i visoka škola) a prvi profesori, pored Dositeja i Ivana Jugovića, bili su Sima Milutinović Sarajlija, Miljko Radonjić, Lazar Vojnović i drugi. Nakon prekida u radu, tokom turbulentnih perioda borbi za nezavisnost, ukazom kneza Miloša Obrenovića, od 1. jula 1838, škola obnavlja svoj rad pod imenom Licej, prvo u Kragujevcu, zatim u Beogradu (1841), a odlukom vlade, 24. septembra 1863. prerasta u Veliku školu (ustanovljava se Pravni, Filozofski i Tehnički fakultet, profesori su Sima Lozanić, Milan Jovanović-Batut, Mihailo Petrović Alas, Jovan Cvijić, Đura Daničić, Josif Pančić...). Donošenjem Zakona o Univerzitetu, marta 1905. škola prelazi u rang univerziteta (uz pravo dodele titula doktorata), Izbor nastavnog kadra tada je poveren osmorici redovnih profesora, to su bili Jovan Žujović, Sima Lozanić, Jovan Cvijić, Mihailo Petrović Alas, Andra Stevanović, Dragoljub Pavlović, Milić Radovanović i Ljubomir Jovanović.
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First professors of the University of Belgrade (1905) |
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Josif Pančić |
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Sima Lozanić |
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Jovan Žujović |
From the University of Belgrade emerged University of Skopje (1949), University of Novi Sad (1960), University of Niš (1965), University of Prishtina (1970), University of Podgorica (1974) and the University of Kragujevac (1976). / Od Univerziteta u Beogradu nastali su Univerzitet u Skoplju (1949), Univerzitet u Novom Sadu (1960), Univerzitet u Nišu (1965), Univerzitet u Prištini (1970), Univerzitet u Podgorici (1974) i Univerzitet u Kragujevcu (1976).
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Student Reading Room "Carnegie", Begrade University Library "Svetozar Marković" |
Today, the University of Belgrade comprises 31 faculties, 11 research institutes, the University library, and 7 university centres. The faculties are organized into 4 groups: social sciences and humanities; medical sciences; natural sciences and mathematics; and technological sciences. On Shanghai Ranking (ARWU), the University of Belgrade currently ranks between 201st and 300th place, and in 2014 it was ranked 151-200 in the area of mathematics and physics./ Univerzitet u Beogradu danas čine 31 fakultet, 11 naučnih instituta, Univerzitetska biblioteka, i sedam univerzitetskih centara. Na prestižnoj Šangajskoj listi (ARWU) Univerzitet je rangiran u grupi 201-300 mesta. U 2014. u oblasti matematike i fizike bio je rangiran u grupi 151-200 mesta.
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"Magic Box", Belgrade University Library "Svetozar Marković" |
The Monument in the memory of Dositej Obradović (1914) located in the University park in Belgrade, was the work of respected Croatian sculptor
Rudolf Valdec, and among other, it contains the engraved well known
words of Dositej ''Iduć' uči, u vekove gleda!" (“Learning in stride, look to the centuries!") / Spomenik
Dositeju (1914), sada u Akademskom parku u Beogradu, delo je hrvatskog vajara Rudolfa
Valdeca (1911). Pored ostalog, ovaj spomenik krase i Dositejeve poznate reči uklesane u osnovu "Iduć' uči, u vekove gleda!"
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