OPEN CALL Primal Chair Industrial Design Contest 2017

OPEN CALL | (Primal)Chair Industrial Design Contest 2017 / POZIV za novi konkurs industrijskog dizajna (Pra)stolica 2017

The Festival of Wood invites all interested designers, artists and students older than 18, to apply for the International Industrial Design Competition (Primal)Chair 2017 / Festival lesa poziva sve zainteresovane dizajnere, umetnike i studente, starije od 18 godina, da se prijave na međunarodni konkurs industrijskog dizajna (Pra)stolica 2017.

TOPIC 2017 / TEMA 2017:
Regeneneration / Regeneracija.

Most of us imagine forest as an oasis of peace and relaxation. A sound of rustling leaves, birds singing, pleasant forest scents relax and calm us. The question is whether a carefully designed piece of nature in the form of wood can create a feeling of homeliness and connection with nature ? (Prof dr Jasna Hrovatin - from the official contest introduction Relaxation in harmony with nature) / Većina zamišlja šumu kao oazu mira i opuštanja. Šuštanje lišća, pevanje ptica i opojni miris šume opušta i smiruje. Pitanje je, ako pažljivo dizajniran komad prirode u formi drveta stvara osećaj bliskosti i povezanosti sa prirodom? "(Prof dr Jasna Hrovatin- iz pratećeg teksta konkursa Opuštanje u harmoniji sa prirodom).

September 1, 2017 / 1. septembar 2017

Three winning proposals will be realized in the form of pre-production prototypes, which will be presented during the festival. The fifth edition of the Festival of Wood / Festival of Lesa will be held from 5 to 10 October in Kočevje, Slovenia. Over the course of six days, the audience will be presented with an attractive program of workshops, expert meeting of science and technology of wood processing, event design, ceremonial opening of the festival and awarding ceremony. / Tri pobednička predloga će biti realizovana u smislu izrade predprodukcijskog prototipa, koji će biti predstavljeni za vreme festivala. Peto po redu izdanje Festivala lesa/Festival of Wood održaće se od 5. do 10. oktobra u Kočevju, Slovenija. Tokom šest dana, publici će se predstaviti atraktivan program radionica, stručni skup nauke i tehnologije prerade drveta, dizajn događaja, svečanog otvaranja festivala i podela nagrada konkursa.

Festival of Wood

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