/November 12-18, Belgrade Furniture Fair, November 29 to December 2, Festival of Science 2012, RK Kluz, Masarikova 4 /
Belgrade University's interactive educational installation, developed by students and mentors of Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, in cooperation with Strajko Co, out of various wood species, upon successful premiere on this year's Mikser Festival in Belgrade, it will be showcased at Belgrade Festival of Science, and in DESIGN BLOCK exhbition at Belgrade International Furniture Fair / Interaktivna obrazovna instalacija Univerziteta u Beogradu, osmišljena od strane studenata i mentora Šumarskog fakulteta u Beogradu, u saradnji sa kompanijom Strajko Co, sledeći uspeh premijere na ovogodišnjem Mikser Festivalu u Beogradu, predstaviće se na predstojećim izložbama na Festivalu nauke u Beogradu, u staroj Zgradi Kluz, i u okviru DESIGN BLOCK izložbe, na Beogradskom sajmu nameštaja.
The concept of Ksiloteka is based on the idea of breaking the traditional frameworks of learning and passive forms of transferring information. It gives the observers an opportunity to form their opinion about the wood as a material of contemporary design practice through their own experience. This project achieves and at the same time broadens the main function of Ksiloteka, which is collecting various kinds of wood with the aim of presenting its biological, mechanical and physical properties. Ksiloteka was realized as collaboration between the company Strajko, which has long-lasting experience in working with the various tree species, and the faculty. This wood library, unique in our region, was created thanks to the activity of company Strajko, which has been, throughout the years, collecting wood samples from around the world, and enthusiasm of young people from the Faculty of Forestry.
Koncept Ksiloteke, koja je realizovana u saradnji kompanije i fakulteta, zasniva se na razbijanju klasičnih okvira učenja i forme pasivnog prihvatanja i prenosa informacija i mogućnosti da se kroz iskustvo i ličnu percepciju formira stav o drvetu kao materijalu savremene prakse projektovanja i dizajna. Osnovna funkcija ksiloteke, prikupljanje i ažuriranje različitih drvnih vrsta u cilju preglednosti i prezentacije bioloških, mehaničkih i fizičkih svojstava drveta, je na taj način ostvarena i proširena. Ksiloteka je realizovana u saradnji kompanije Strajko, koja poseduje višegodišnje iskustvo u radu sa najrazličitijim drvnim vrstama, i fakulteta. Zahvaljujući aktivnosti kompanije Strajko, koja je godinama prikupljala uzorke iz celog sveta, i entuzijazmu mladih ljudi sa Šumarskog fakulteta, nastala je ova biblioteka drvnih vrsta, jedinstvena u našem regionu.
The structure of the interactive installation consists of 4 L-shaped panel elements. The advantage of these divided elements lies in their ability to be combined in a great number of different ways, which makes a flexible configuration that enables us to form different types of scenery within the same space. The outer or final layer of the installation is a smooth, light, monochrome surface made from Koto wood, while the inner structure hides 148 samples of different tree species. The inner layer is an interactive barbed surface whose chaotic structure is designed to respond to the behavior of a man who passes through the installation and to indicate his presence at the very moment. Thirteen tree species were used to create the vertical forest of sticks. They all have different color, texture, odor, sound, hardiness, elasticity and density.
Strukturu interaktivne instalacije čine 4 panelna elementa L oblika. Prednost raščlanjenih elemenata je u velikom broju kombinacija, čime se dobija fleksibilan sklop koji pruža različito formirane kamerne scenografije u okviru istog prostora. Spoljašnji, završni sloj instalacije je glatka, svetla, monohromna površina izrađena od vrste drveta koto u čijoj potkonstrukciji su skriveni uzorci 148 različitih vrsta drveta. Unutrašnji sloj predstavlja interaktivnu bodljikavu površinu koja svojom haotičnom strukturom reaguje na ponašanje čoveka koji prolazi kroz instalaciju i upućuje na njegovo prisustvo. Za izradu vertikalne šume štapova na zidu korišćeno je trinaest vrsta drveta, različitih po boji, teksturi, mirisu, zvuku, tvrdoći, elastičnosti i gustini.
Workshop mentors: / Mentori radionice:
Milica Nešovanović, Strajko CO
Miljana Nikolić, Faculty of Forestry / Šumarski fakultet
Milica Dejanović, Faculty of Forestry / Šumarski fakultet
Students / Studenti Šumarskog fakulteta:
The company Strajko CO is an exclusive importer and exporter of both exotic and native wood. It offers wood of over 240 various tree species from all over the world. The company Strajko Co has been on our market since 2006 as a part of Strajko Group that has been developing its business in Russia for 15 years. The company`s business activities are strongly related to the territory and market of the Republika Srpska and Montenegro. Since 2008, the company has been offering authors’ exclusive interiors (furniture design, staircases and complex wooden structures, and high quality flooring), and exteriors (exterior timber cladding, pergolas, facades, summerhouses), unique saunas and restorations
Firma Strajko CO je ekskluzivni uvoznik i izvoznik egzotičnog i domaćeg drveta. U ponudi ima preko 240 različitih vrsta drveta iz čitavog sveta. Strajko Co je na našem tržištu prisutan od 2006. godine i predstavlja ogranak Strajko Group koja vec 15 godina uspešno razvija svoje poslovanje u Rusiji. Strajko CO svoje poslove vezuje za teritorije Republike Srpske i Republike Crne Gore. Od 2008. godine nudi i autorske ekskluzivne enterijere (komadni nameštaj, stepeništa i složene drvene konstrukcije, vrhunski parketi), eksterijere (spoljašnje drvene obloge, pergole, fasade, letnjikovci), unikatne saune i restauracije.
Furniture and Interior Design Orientation is dedicated to educating new experts with a strong technical background who will create develop new concepts in furniture industry. Our students have successfully exhibited their prototypes at trade fairs in the country and abroad, as well as at different cultural events. Their efforts and work have been rewarded with numerous awards and recognitions. Within the Master academic module `Modeling of Wood Products`, multidisciplinary approach, which implies interweaving of academic knowledge and personal experience of related professional fields , is particularly stressed. Therefore a large number of graduated students of other faculties, with fondness for wood and desire to expand their knowledge in this particular field, are attracted to this master module.
Usmerenje za projektovanje nameštaja i enterijera radi na stvaranju stručnjaka koji sa jakom tehničkom podlogom razvijaju i stvaraju nove koncepte u industriji nameštaja. Studenti uspešno predstavljaju svoje prototipove na sajmovima u zemlji i inostranstvu, kao i na različitim kulturnim dešavanjima, a njihov trud i rad nagrađivani su brojnim nagradama i priznanjima. U okviru master modula Oblikovanje proizvoda od drveta posebno se neguju multidisciplinarnost i preplitanje znanja i iskustava iz međusobno bliskih oblasti, pa tako veliki broj upisanih studenata,koji imaju naklonost prema drvetu i želju da prodube znanje iz ove oblasti, potiče sa srodnih fakulteta.
/November 12-18, Belgrade Furniture Fair, November 29 to December 2, Festival of Science 2012, RK Kluz, Masarikova 4 /
Belgrade University's interactive educational installation, developed by students and mentors of Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, in cooperation with Strajko Co, out of various wood species, upon successful premiere on this year's Mikser Festival in Belgrade, it will be showcased at Belgrade Festival of Science, and in DESIGN BLOCK exhbition at Belgrade International Furniture Fair / Interaktivna obrazovna instalacija Univerziteta u Beogradu, osmišljena od strane studenata i mentora Šumarskog fakulteta u Beogradu, u saradnji sa kompanijom Strajko Co, sledeći uspeh premijere na ovogodišnjem Mikser Festivalu u Beogradu, predstaviće se na predstojećim izložbama na Festivalu nauke u Beogradu, u staroj Zgradi Kluz, i u okviru DESIGN BLOCK izložbe, na Beogradskom sajmu nameštaja.
The concept of Ksiloteka is based on the idea of breaking the traditional frameworks of learning and passive forms of transferring information. It gives the observers an opportunity to form their opinion about the wood as a material of contemporary design practice through their own experience. This project achieves and at the same time broadens the main function of Ksiloteka, which is collecting various kinds of wood with the aim of presenting its biological, mechanical and physical properties. Ksiloteka was realized as collaboration between the company Strajko, which has long-lasting experience in working with the various tree species, and the faculty. This wood library, unique in our region, was created thanks to the activity of company Strajko, which has been, throughout the years, collecting wood samples from around the world, and enthusiasm of young people from the Faculty of Forestry.
Koncept Ksiloteke, koja je realizovana u saradnji kompanije i fakulteta, zasniva se na razbijanju klasičnih okvira učenja i forme pasivnog prihvatanja i prenosa informacija i mogućnosti da se kroz iskustvo i ličnu percepciju formira stav o drvetu kao materijalu savremene prakse projektovanja i dizajna. Osnovna funkcija ksiloteke, prikupljanje i ažuriranje različitih drvnih vrsta u cilju preglednosti i prezentacije bioloških, mehaničkih i fizičkih svojstava drveta, je na taj način ostvarena i proširena. Ksiloteka je realizovana u saradnji kompanije Strajko, koja poseduje višegodišnje iskustvo u radu sa najrazličitijim drvnim vrstama, i fakulteta. Zahvaljujući aktivnosti kompanije Strajko, koja je godinama prikupljala uzorke iz celog sveta, i entuzijazmu mladih ljudi sa Šumarskog fakulteta, nastala je ova biblioteka drvnih vrsta, jedinstvena u našem regionu.
The structure of the interactive installation consists of 4 L-shaped panel elements. The advantage of these divided elements lies in their ability to be combined in a great number of different ways, which makes a flexible configuration that enables us to form different types of scenery within the same space. The outer or final layer of the installation is a smooth, light, monochrome surface made from Koto wood, while the inner structure hides 148 samples of different tree species. The inner layer is an interactive barbed surface whose chaotic structure is designed to respond to the behavior of a man who passes through the installation and to indicate his presence at the very moment. Thirteen tree species were used to create the vertical forest of sticks. They all have different color, texture, odor, sound, hardiness, elasticity and density.
Strukturu interaktivne instalacije čine 4 panelna elementa L oblika. Prednost raščlanjenih elemenata je u velikom broju kombinacija, čime se dobija fleksibilan sklop koji pruža različito formirane kamerne scenografije u okviru istog prostora. Spoljašnji, završni sloj instalacije je glatka, svetla, monohromna površina izrađena od vrste drveta koto u čijoj potkonstrukciji su skriveni uzorci 148 različitih vrsta drveta. Unutrašnji sloj predstavlja interaktivnu bodljikavu površinu koja svojom haotičnom strukturom reaguje na ponašanje čoveka koji prolazi kroz instalaciju i upućuje na njegovo prisustvo. Za izradu vertikalne šume štapova na zidu korišćeno je trinaest vrsta drveta, različitih po boji, teksturi, mirisu, zvuku, tvrdoći, elastičnosti i gustini.
The project was carried out within the workshop in which students, in collaboration with their mentors, actively participated in the process of the project design and realization.
Projekat je realizovan u okviru radionice u kojoj su studenti, u saradnji sa mentorima, imali priliku da aktivno ucestvuju u procesu projektovanja i realizaciji
Project leaders: / Rukovodioci projekta:
Jelena Matić, Faculty of Forestry / Šumarski fakultet
Dragan Nikolić, Strajko CO
Zdravko Popović, Faculty of Forestry / Šumarski fakultet
Projekat je realizovan u okviru radionice u kojoj su studenti, u saradnji sa mentorima, imali priliku da aktivno ucestvuju u procesu projektovanja i realizaciji
Project leaders: / Rukovodioci projekta:
Jelena Matić, Faculty of Forestry / Šumarski fakultet
Dragan Nikolić, Strajko CO
Zdravko Popović, Faculty of Forestry / Šumarski fakultet
Workshop mentors: / Mentori radionice:
Milica Nešovanović, Strajko CO
Miljana Nikolić, Faculty of Forestry / Šumarski fakultet
Milica Dejanović, Faculty of Forestry / Šumarski fakultet
Students / Studenti Šumarskog fakulteta:
Tijana Lukić
Milan Mlinar.
Vojislav Dacić
Oksana Čolić
Gordana Stepanović
Milan Mlinar.
Vojislav Dacić
Oksana Čolić
Gordana Stepanović
The company Strajko CO is an exclusive importer and exporter of both exotic and native wood. It offers wood of over 240 various tree species from all over the world. The company Strajko Co has been on our market since 2006 as a part of Strajko Group that has been developing its business in Russia for 15 years. The company`s business activities are strongly related to the territory and market of the Republika Srpska and Montenegro. Since 2008, the company has been offering authors’ exclusive interiors (furniture design, staircases and complex wooden structures, and high quality flooring), and exteriors (exterior timber cladding, pergolas, facades, summerhouses), unique saunas and restorations
Firma Strajko CO je ekskluzivni uvoznik i izvoznik egzotičnog i domaćeg drveta. U ponudi ima preko 240 različitih vrsta drveta iz čitavog sveta. Strajko Co je na našem tržištu prisutan od 2006. godine i predstavlja ogranak Strajko Group koja vec 15 godina uspešno razvija svoje poslovanje u Rusiji. Strajko CO svoje poslove vezuje za teritorije Republike Srpske i Republike Crne Gore. Od 2008. godine nudi i autorske ekskluzivne enterijere (komadni nameštaj, stepeništa i složene drvene konstrukcije, vrhunski parketi), eksterijere (spoljašnje drvene obloge, pergole, fasade, letnjikovci), unikatne saune i restauracije.
Furniture and Interior Design Orientation is dedicated to educating new experts with a strong technical background who will create develop new concepts in furniture industry. Our students have successfully exhibited their prototypes at trade fairs in the country and abroad, as well as at different cultural events. Their efforts and work have been rewarded with numerous awards and recognitions. Within the Master academic module `Modeling of Wood Products`, multidisciplinary approach, which implies interweaving of academic knowledge and personal experience of related professional fields , is particularly stressed. Therefore a large number of graduated students of other faculties, with fondness for wood and desire to expand their knowledge in this particular field, are attracted to this master module.
Usmerenje za projektovanje nameštaja i enterijera radi na stvaranju stručnjaka koji sa jakom tehničkom podlogom razvijaju i stvaraju nove koncepte u industriji nameštaja. Studenti uspešno predstavljaju svoje prototipove na sajmovima u zemlji i inostranstvu, kao i na različitim kulturnim dešavanjima, a njihov trud i rad nagrađivani su brojnim nagradama i priznanjima. U okviru master modula Oblikovanje proizvoda od drveta posebno se neguju multidisciplinarnost i preplitanje znanja i iskustava iz međusobno bliskih oblasti, pa tako veliki broj upisanih studenata,koji imaju naklonost prema drvetu i želju da prodube znanje iz ove oblasti, potiče sa srodnih fakulteta.
Budapest Design Week Exhibition
/ October 6-7th, Budapest Design Week /
At the WAMP events during Budapest Design Week, Mikser Festival presented its Ghost Project, now through focused national selection of 10 projects, among which, 7 prototypes realized by students of Belgrade University’s Wood Processing & Furniture Design department (Faculty of Forestry) under leadership of doc. Jelena Matić.
/ October 6-7th, Budapest Design Week /
At the WAMP events during Budapest Design Week, Mikser Festival presented its Ghost Project, now through focused national selection of 10 projects, among which, 7 prototypes realized by students of Belgrade University’s Wood Processing & Furniture Design department (Faculty of Forestry) under leadership of doc. Jelena Matić.
Work presented: FLEXY / Marija Bjelaković, POPCHAIR / Željko Pantić, CHI / Nikola Petković, HE/SHE / Aleksandar Blagojević, GRID / Dragan Krivokapić, TOUCH ME / Aleksandar Blagojević, MIES ROLO / Uroš Vitas, HIVE LAMP & NOODLE / Ana Kraš, and special guests were Remake, and Rudesign Novi Sad
/18th Septembar to 14th October 2012, Serbian Cultural Center, Paris/
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ARC Lounge E.Bećirgaić, M.Bjelaković, M.Vasović CATAPULT Swing Chair by Miljana Nikolić
From 18th September to 14th October 2012, the Serbian Cultural Center in Paris /in the elite area of the City, just across the famous Centre Pompidou/ will host the Mikser + Young Balkan Designers exhibition, presenting to the French and the international audience the best projects of young designers from Serbia and the region, some already successfully exhibited throughout Europe, including three innovative prototypes of furniture designed by students of the Department of Wood Processing & Furniture Design, of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade.
U Srpskom kulturnom centru u Parizu, u okviru izložbe Mikser + Young Balkan Designers u periodu od 18. septembra do 14. oktobra 2012. izložena su i tri rada studenata Odseka za preradu drveta Šumarskog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu. Srpski kulturni centar u Parizu, koji se nalazi na prestižnoj lokaciji naspram čuvenog Centra Pompidou, u periodu od mesec dana, francuskoj i međunarodnoj publici prikazaće najbolje projekte mladih dizajnera iz Srbije i regiona, od kojih su neki već uspešno izlagani širom Evrope.
U Srpskom kulturnom centru u Parizu, u okviru izložbe Mikser + Young Balkan Designers u periodu od 18. septembra do 14. oktobra 2012. izložena su i tri rada studenata Odseka za preradu drveta Šumarskog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu. Srpski kulturni centar u Parizu, koji se nalazi na prestižnoj lokaciji naspram čuvenog Centra Pompidou, u periodu od mesec dana, francuskoj i međunarodnoj publici prikazaće najbolje projekte mladih dizajnera iz Srbije i regiona, od kojih su neki već uspešno izlagani širom Evrope.
/September 16-22nd 2012, House B - Terra Panonica, Morkin, Serbia /
From the 16th to 22nd September 2012, the cultural resort Kuća na ravnom bregu was a host to the Student Workshop for Creation of Wooden Mosaics, a creative workshop with the theme to design innovative wall structures out of elements of different wood species / leftovers from the industrial production.
The works got created through a collaboration of students of art and art-technical faculties in the region, with local high school students, which were led through the process by Kosta Bogdanović, the sculptor, along with the team from the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade.
Beside the mission for creative use of industrial wood waste, the workshop, which was realized in collaboration with the Terra Panonica and the Faculty’s Furniture and Interior Design Department, and involved four female students from the Wood Processing division of the Faculty of Forestry, aimed at the regional networking of young and talented individuals, and the inclusion of the local community in cultural events in the complex.
Kulturno turistički kompleks Kuća na ravnom bregu, od 16. do 22. septembra 2012, bio je domaćin Studentske radionice za izradu drvenih mozaika, čiji su učesnici od elemenata različitih drvnih vrsta preostalih u procesu industrijske proizvodnje stvarali zidne strukture.
Radovi su nastali kroz saradnju studenata umetničkih i umetničko-tehničkih fakulteta iz regiona sa učenicima lokalnih srednjih škola, koje je kroz proces rada vodio vajar Kosta Bogdanović zajedno sa timom sa Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Radionica, na kojoj su učestvovale i četiri studentkinje Odseka za preradu drveta Šumarskog fakulteta, i koja je realizovana u saradnji firme Terra Panonica i Usmerenja za projektovanje nameštaja i enterijera ovog fakulteta, imala je za cilj kreativnu upotrebu drvnog ostatka, ali i regionalno povezivanje mladih i talentovanih pojedinaca i uključivanje lokalne zajednice u kulturna dešavanja u kompleksu Kuća na ravnom bregu.
/September 16-22nd 2012, House B - Terra Panonica, Morkin, Serbia /
From the 16th to 22nd September 2012, the cultural resort Kuća na ravnom bregu was a host to the Student Workshop for Creation of Wooden Mosaics, a creative workshop with the theme to design innovative wall structures out of elements of different wood species / leftovers from the industrial production.
The works got created through a collaboration of students of art and art-technical faculties in the region, with local high school students, which were led through the process by Kosta Bogdanović, the sculptor, along with the team from the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade.
Beside the mission for creative use of industrial wood waste, the workshop, which was realized in collaboration with the Terra Panonica and the Faculty’s Furniture and Interior Design Department, and involved four female students from the Wood Processing division of the Faculty of Forestry, aimed at the regional networking of young and talented individuals, and the inclusion of the local community in cultural events in the complex.
Kulturno turistički kompleks Kuća na ravnom bregu, od 16. do 22. septembra 2012, bio je domaćin Studentske radionice za izradu drvenih mozaika, čiji su učesnici od elemenata različitih drvnih vrsta preostalih u procesu industrijske proizvodnje stvarali zidne strukture.
Radovi su nastali kroz saradnju studenata umetničkih i umetničko-tehničkih fakulteta iz regiona sa učenicima lokalnih srednjih škola, koje je kroz proces rada vodio vajar Kosta Bogdanović zajedno sa timom sa Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Radionica, na kojoj su učestvovale i četiri studentkinje Odseka za preradu drveta Šumarskog fakulteta, i koja je realizovana u saradnji firme Terra Panonica i Usmerenja za projektovanje nameštaja i enterijera ovog fakulteta, imala je za cilj kreativnu upotrebu drvnog ostatka, ali i regionalno povezivanje mladih i talentovanih pojedinaca i uključivanje lokalne zajednice u kulturna dešavanja u kompleksu Kuća na ravnom bregu.
Wooden Mosaic Regional Art Workshop
/House B - Terra Panonica, Morkin Serbia / September 16-22nd 2012
Participation, accommodation, food and all the materials for all participants arefree of charge. Application and questions should be directed to e-mail miljanin_email@yahoo.com no later than July 31 2012.
/House B - Terra Panonica, Morkin Serbia / September 16-22nd 2012

With great pleasure we present - WOODEN MOSAIC WORKSHOP FOR STUDENTS organized in collaboration between Terra Panonica and the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, that will take place in House B on Terra Panonica estate, in Mokrin, from September 16-22nd, 2012.
The subject of the workshop is creation of wall mosaics using various wooden species - leftovers from industrial production, and will bring together Master or advanced level students of Arts or Engineering from the region. Artworks will be produced by students in collaboration with local high school pupils, supervised by team of mentors and lecturers: Marko Vukša, sculptor, Tamara Nedeljković Vukša, visual artist, Kosta Bogdanović, sculptor, art historian, art critic and visual arts theoretician, Miljana Nikolić, teaching assistant, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Jelena Matić, docent, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry and Božidar Mandić, writer and playwright.
We invite You to apply and become part of this creative team that would be involved in the process of creation and production of mosaics. Workshop represents a chance for all participants to broaden their experience in communication and artistic collaboration, provides opportunity for practical work and development of creative potential, with the wonderful opportunity to stay and work in a building of high architectural value.
We invite You to apply and become part of this creative team that would be involved in the process of creation and production of mosaics. Workshop represents a chance for all participants to broaden their experience in communication and artistic collaboration, provides opportunity for practical work and development of creative potential, with the wonderful opportunity to stay and work in a building of high architectural value.
Application should contain: CV and short portfolio with previous projects, and the workshop will be preceded by short individual prep work.
Mokrin is a settlement in the municipality Kikinda, 13 km from the town Kikinda, in Vojvodina region. House B, provides space for creative work of all kinds, represents one of five buildings on the Terra Panonica estate, opened for various cultural projects, comprising space for presentation of authentic products, accommodation for guests, staying, passing through or revisiting.
House B received the Award in Architecture on 33th Salon of Architecture in Belgrade, and Ranko Radović Award for built architectural object in 2011.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Wood Processing Department, Interior and furniture design, works on education of experts who create new concepts in furniture industry with strong technical background. Students present their prototypes with great success, both on domestic and international fairs, cultural events, and their effort and work have been awarded with numerous awards and recognitions. The most important was the beginning of a serial production of 4 student furniture pieces in Simpo company in
Mokrin is a settlement in the municipality Kikinda, 13 km from the town Kikinda, in Vojvodina region. House B, provides space for creative work of all kinds, represents one of five buildings on the Terra Panonica estate, opened for various cultural projects, comprising space for presentation of authentic products, accommodation for guests, staying, passing through or revisiting.
House B received the Award in Architecture on 33th Salon of Architecture in Belgrade, and Ranko Radović Award for built architectural object in 2011.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Wood Processing Department, Interior and furniture design, works on education of experts who create new concepts in furniture industry with strong technical background. Students present their prototypes with great success, both on domestic and international fairs, cultural events, and their effort and work have been awarded with numerous awards and recognitions. The most important was the beginning of a serial production of 4 student furniture pieces in Simpo company in
Hans J. Wegner - A student film tribute
/May 6th, 2012/ In favor of new approaches to art & design educational presentations, this interesting movie by Nikola Nimčević, third year student of furniture and interior design, has been made for his oral presentation for the course Design, at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry
/May 6th, 2012/ In favor of new approaches to art & design educational presentations, this interesting movie by Nikola Nimčević, third year student of furniture and interior design, has been made for his oral presentation for the course Design, at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry
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