OPEN CALL Ghost Project 2017: THE NEW NOMADS / POZIV za Ghost Project 2017 NOVI NOMADI

Mikser invites interested young designers all over the world to apply for the competition to participate in the "Ghost Project 2017: The new nomads" exhibition, within the  upcoming Mikser Festival Talent Zone exhibition. The theme of this year's festival of talents in the field of industrial design are more intense global movements of people and design responses to the rapid changes in lifestyle on this movement. The competition is open until 27 April for designers from all over the world, under the age of 35
 Mikser organizacija poziva zainteresovane mlade dizajnere iz celog sveta da se prijave na konkurs za učešće na izložbi “Ghost Project 2017: Novi nomadi” u okviru talent zone predstojećeg Mikser festivala. Tema ovogodišnje smotre talenata iz oblasti industrijskog dizajna su sve intenzivnija globalna kretanja ljudi i dizajnerski odgovori na brze promene načina života u pokretu. Konkurs je otvoren do 27. aprila za dizajnere iz celog sveta mlađe od 35 godina.

Ghost Project is an international platform for talents in the area of design concepts and product design. Starting as a small local exhibition of unexecuted projects in 2006, Ghost Project has grown to one of the largest regional reviews of design talents from around the world, enhancing the exchange between designers from different cultural backgrounds and giving unique insight into upcoming generation of designers who will be shaping our future. / Ghost Project“ je međunarodna platforma za talentovane pojedince u oblasti industrijskog dizajna. Projekat je iniciran 2006. godine, kao mala lokalna izložba nerealizovanih projekata, da bi narednih godina prerasla u jednu od najvećih regionalnih smotri talenata iz oblasti dizajna, a zatim i u mesto razmene iskustava i ideja među mladim dizajnerima različitih kultura, iz svih krajeva sveta, istovremeno dajući jedinstveni uvid u nadolazeće generacije dizajnera koji će oblikovati našu budućnost.

The Ghost Project’s slogan for the year 2017 is “THE NEW NOMADS”
Everyday commuting and transportation, intense tourist influx to global destinations, massive ecological, economic and war-instigated displacements of people across the entire continent are becoming inevitable challenges of our times. At the same time, mobility remains the ultimate ideal of creative people’s freedom and independence, inspiring visions of objects, spaces, services and technological solutions that support nomadic way of living.Svakodnevna putovanja, intenzivni priliv turista ka svetskim turističkim destinacijama, masovna razmeštanja ljudi širom kontinenata uslovljena negativnim ekološkim i ekonomskim uslovima Ili ratnim dejstvima postaju neizbežni izazovi našeg vremena. U isto vreme mobilnost ostaje ultimativni ideal slobode i nezavisnosti, inspirišući vizije novih predmeta, prostora, usluga i tehnoloških rešenja koja podržavaju nomadski način života. i zadovoljavaju večne ljudske potrebe za slobodom i pripadanjem
Under the slogan “THE NEW NOMADS”, Ghost Project 2017 calls for young designers to share their vision on how prompt design interventions can improve lives of people on the move, be their mobility deliberate or forceful, and enable them to make a new place their home. We are looking for innovative design solutions for multifunctional domestic objects, mobile workplace units, learning tools on the move, portable street shelters, transformable public space furniture, adjustable environments, sustainable life concepts for the nomads of our times, balancing the eternal human need for freedom of movement with sense of belonging./ Pod sloganom "Novi nomadi ", Ghost Project 2017 poziva sve mlade dizajnere da svojim rešenjima doprinesu viziji o društvenoj ulozi dizajna i pokažu kako intervencije dizajnera mogu da poboljšaju život ljudi u pokretu I omoguće im da naprave novi dom, bez obzira na to da li su primorani ili to čine svojevoljno. Konkurs traga za inovativnim dizajnerskim rešenjima multifunkcionalnih predmeta koji se koriste u domaćinstvima, mobilnih radnih jedinica, sredstava učenja u pokretu, mobilnih uličnih skloništa, transformativnih javnih prostora, prilagodljivih okruženja, održivih životnih koncepcija savremenih nomada, koji zadovoljavaju večne ljudske potrebe za slobodom i pripadanjem

Design concepts, products, indoor and outdoor furniture, lighting, interior elements, everyday objects, home accessories, fashion garments, stationary, aid products, recycled materials, etc. that offer innovative yet rational solutions to challenges arising from the global and local movement of people, from work-related daily commuting, holiday-driven seasonal travels, war-instigate refugee movement, economic-driven migrations, to roaming the globe in search for knowledge and life experience Dizajnerska rešenja, proizvodi, nameštaj za enterijer i eksterijer, rasveta, elementi enterijera, svakodnevni predmeti, kućni pribor, modne konfekcije, stacionarni, pomoći proizvodi, reciklirani materijali, itd koji nude inovativna a racionalna rešenja za izazove koji proističu iz globalnih i lokalnih migracija ljudi, kroz svakodnevnu vožnju povezanu sa radnim aktivnostima, sezonska putovanja u vezi sa odmorima, ratom podstaknute pokrete izbeglica, ekonomskih migracija, do putovanja oko sveta u potrazi za znanjem i životnim iskustvom. 
Criteria appreciated by the Jury: innovative features that enhance the quality of contemporary life; ergonomics; rational production costs; use of materials available locally; environmentally friendly production process; recycling; compact packaging for transport; significant social impact./ Kriterijumi koji će biti procenjivani od strane žirija: inovativna rešenja koja poboljšavaju kvalitet savremenog života; ergonomija; racionalni troškovi proizvodnje; korišćenje materijala dostupnih na lokalnom nivou; ekološki proces proizvodnje; reciklaža; kompaktno pakovanje za transport; značajan društveni uticaj 

Manuel PolancoBasurama - Spain
Nikola Radeljkovic, Numen / ForUse  - Croatia
Cvetka Pozar, Museum of Architecture and Design – Slovenia
Jelena Mijanovic, Co-Design - Sweden
Jesper Koefoed-Melson,  GivrRum - Denmark
Jelena Matic, Faculty of Forestry University of Belgrade – Serbia
Maja Lalic, Mikser Festival – Serbia 

Competition is open to all persons aged 35 years and younger, from all over the world.
Applicants may be individuals or groups of creators. Each applicant may submit more than one entry. When submitting online applications, applicants may submit concepts, sketches and 3d images, but if selected for the exhibition, they must provide functional prototypes of the winning designs. / Konkurs je otvoren za sva lica starosti 35 godina i mlađa, iz celog sveta. Kandidati mogu biti pojedinci ili grupe stvaralaca. Svaki podnosilac zahteva može da podnese više od jednog konkursnog projekta. Prilikom podnošenja online aplikacije, kandidati mogu da podnesu ideje, skice i 3D prikaze, ali ukoliko budu izabrani za izložbu, moraju obezbediti funkcionalne prototipove nagrađenih projekata.

The competition is open till 27 April 2017. Applicants are able to register and submit their projects by filling in the online application at until 27 April 2017 at midnight. The jury will announce the winners whose projects will be featured in the Ghost Project 2017 Exhibition on 1 May 2017. The Ghost Project exhibition takes place from 25 – 28 May 2017 within the Mikser Festival in Belgrade, Serbia. The Mikser Festival Awards Ceremony will be held on the last day of the Ghost Project exhibition at the Mikser Festival 2017, 28 May in the evening. / Konkurs je otvoren do 27 aprila 2017. Kandidati mogu da se registruju i podnesu svoje projekte popunjavanjem online aplikacije na do 27. aprila 2017. u ponoć. Žiri će objaviti dobitnike čiji projekti će biti predstavljeni na izložbi Ghost Project 2017 1. maja 2017. Izložba se održava od 28. maja 2017 u okviru Mikser festivala u Beogradu, Mikserova ceremonija dodela nagrada će se održati poslednjeg dana izložbe Ghost Project 2017 na Mikser festivalu odnosno 28. maja uveče.

Participation in Mikser Festival 2017 / Učešće na Mikser Festivalu 2017 u okviru:
  • Ghost Project Exhibition / Izložbe "Ghost Project"
  • Design Marathon / Dizajn maratona
  • Creative Workshops / Kreativnih radionica
  • Mikser Awards Ceremony / Ceremonije dodele nagrada Mikser Festivala
Winners of the Competition will become participants of the Mikser Festival 2017, Southeast Europe's largest regional festival of creativity and innovation taking place in Silos of Žitomlin mill in Belgrade’s first industrial zone in Lower Dorćol, from 25-28 June, 2017 / Pobednici takmičenja će biti učesnici Mikser Festivala 2017. godine, najvećeg regionalnog festivala kreativnosti i inovacija u jugoistočnoj Evropi, koji će se održati na prostoru Žitomlin silosi, u prvoj beogradskoj industrijskoj zoni na Donjem Dorćolu, od 25-28 juna 2017 .

The award includes:/ Nagrada uključuje
  • Participation in the central talent exhibition of Mikser Festival - Ghost Project 2017 / Učešće u centralnoj izložbi talenata na Mikser festivalu - Ghost Project 2017;
  • Participation in public presentation of the winner’s work at the international Design Marathon – Portfolio reviews with mentors from the design field; / Učešće u javnoj prezentaciji radova pobednika na Međunarodnog dizajn maratona - pregled portfolija sa mentorima iz oblasti dizajna;
  • Active participation in one of the festival Creative workshops* run by mentors who are renown international professionals coming from various fields of creative disciplines; / Aktivno učešće u jednoj od kreativnih radionica Festivala * vode mentori koji su ugledni međunarodni stručnjaci koji dolaze iz različitih kreativnih oblasti i disciplina;
  • International Jury made of respectful professionals, guests of the Mikser Festival, will award the best projects with special recognitions in several product categories which will be announced at the Mikser Awards Ceremony, on the last day of the festival, 28th May, while all participants of the Ghost Project exhibition “The New Nomads” will receive the participation certificate./ Međunarodni žiri sačinjen od uglednih stručnjaka, gostiju Mikser festivala, nagradiće najbolje projekte posebnim priznanjima u nekoliko kategorija proizvoda, koji će biti objavljeni na ceremoniji Mikser nagrada, poslednjeg dana festivala, 28. maja, dok je svim učesnicima Ghost Project izložbe "The New Nomads" obezbeđen sertifikat o učešću.
  • Recipients of the Mikser Award who are coming from the Balkans will be able to join the second round of the Young Balkan Designers Competition 2017 and pitch their ideas to five respectable furniture manufactures based in the Balkans./ Primaoci Mikser nagrade koja dolaze sa Balkana će biti u mogućnosti da se pridruže drugom krugu takmičenja Mladi Balkanski Dizajneri 2017. i predstave svoje ideje predstavnicima pet uglednih kompanija za proizvodnju nameštaja na Balkanu.
  • All participants of the Ghost Project 2017 exhibition will have free access to public sessions of the festival programs and free access to all music performances*Svi učesnici Ghost Project 2017 izložbe će imati slobodan pristup javnim sesijama festivalskih programa i slobodan pristup svim muzičkim sadržajima *.
*Detailed program of workshops, lectures, exhibitions and concerts of the Mikser Festival will be announced at the beginning of May 2017* Detaljan program radionica, predavanja, izložbi i koncerata u Mikser festivala biće objavljen početkom maja 2017

By submitting this application, designers commit - if selected to participate in the Ghost Project 2017 exhibition – to produce and personally bring prototypes to Mikser Festival in Belgrade at their own expense, to take active participation in the Mikser workshops and presentations, to bring their prototypes to the festival venue on 24 May 2017, and remove them from the festival venue on 29 May 2017, carefully following instructions which will be sent out to each winner by the Organizer after the announcement of the competition results. / Podnošenjem ove aplikacije, dizajneri su saglasni  ukoliko budu izabrani da učestvuju u izložbi Ghost Project 2017  da će napraviti i lično doneti prototip na Mikser Festival u Beogradu o svom trošku, uzeli aktivno učešće u Mikser radionicama i prezentacijama, i doneti svoje prototipove na festivalski događaj 24. maja 2017. godine, i ukloniti ih iz festivalskog dešavanja 29. maja 2017. godine, pažljivo prateći uputstva koja će biti poslata svakom pobedniku od strane Organizatora, nakon objavljivanja rezultata konkursa.

MIKSER will exhibit the winning entries during Mikser Festival, from 25-28 May 2017. Upon the announcement of the competition results, the Organizer will contact the laureates to provide them with the official invitation letter to accompany their prototypes during the transportation, detailed instructions on time and place of prototypes delivery and pick-up, information for affordable accommodation in Belgrade, as well as the festival program of lectures and workshops that winning designers are obliged to attend. MIKSER će izlagati pobedničke projekte tokom Mikser festivala, od 25-28 maja 2017. Nakon objavljivanja rezultata konkursa, organizator će kontaktirati laureate da im obezbedi zvanično pozivno pismo da pprati njihove prototipove tokom transporta, sa detaljnim uputstvima o vremenu i mestu isporuke i podizanja prototipova, informacije o pristupačnom smeštaju u Beogradu, kao i festivalski program predavanja i radionica na kojima su dizajneri, koji su pobedili, obavezni obavezni da prisustvuju.

The decisions of the jury are final. Any claims arising in relation to the authorship of the design or of possible plagiarism thereof, will be the responsibility of the designer. In the event of non-fulfillment of any of the rules herein, the design submitted will be excluded from the Competition. Odluke žirija su konačne. Svi zahtevi koji proisteknu iz autorstvo dizajna ili njihovih mogućih plagiranja, biće u odgovornosti dizajnera. U slučaju neispunjavanja bilo koje od pravila ovde navedenih, dizajnersko rešenje koje je predato na konkurs će biti isključeno iz takmičenja.

Ratko Rakin, +381638473765
Maja Cvetković,, +38163215518

Balkan Design Network

Mikser Association

Croatian Design Association

Public Room Skopje


2nd Conference on Wood Industry & Forestry of Serbia

2nd Conference on Wood Industry & Forestry of Serbia 2. Konferencija "Drvna industrija i šumarstvo Srbije"
Due to the actuality and permanent interests of forestry and wood processing sector on the 07th April 2017 Belgrade will host the second conference "The Wood Industry and Forestry of Serbia / Zbog aktuelnosti i permanentnog interesovanja šumarske i drvoprerađivačke javnosti u Beogradu će se 07. aprila 2017. godine održati Druga konferencija „Drvna industrija i šumarstvo Srbije”. 

The focus of this year's Conference will be the strategy of development of wood and furniture industry. University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry is organizing the conference in cooperation with the institutions and the largest companies in the sector of forestry and wood industry. It is expected the arrival of high-ranking state officials and more than 200 participants from Serbia and countries in the region Akcenat ovogodišnje Konferencije će biti Strategija razvoja drvne i industrije nameštaja. Šumarski fakultet organizuje konferenciju u saradnji sa institucijama i najvećim preduzećima iz sektora šumarstva i drvne industrije. Očekuje se dolazak visokih državnih zvaničnika kao i više od 200 učesnika iz Srbije i zemalja regiona. 

By organizing this conference, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry wants to present the advantages and the potential of the forestry and wood processing sector, as well as the furniture industry of Serbia. Special attention will be given to the following thematic blocks:Organizacijom ove konferencije Šumarski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu želi da predstavi prednosti i potencijale šumarskog i drvoprerađivačkog sektora, kao i industrije nameštaja Srbije. Posebna pažnja će se posvetiti sledećim tematskim blokovima:
  • Strategy for the development of wood and furniture industry by 2022 Strategiji razvoja drvne i industrije nameštaja do 2022. godine 
  • Action Plan for implementation of the strategy Akcionom planu za sprovođenje strategije 
  • The role of the forestry sector in the implementation of the strategy for the development of wood and furniture industryUlozi šumarskog sektora u sprovođenju strategije razvoja drvne i industrije nameštaja 
  • State incentives in the forest industry sector / Državnim podsticajima sektoru drvne industrije
The aim of the conference is to get through a constructive dialogue between the parties to shed light on problems that burden business firms in the sector of forestry and wood industry, and to provide guidance for their solution / Cilj konferencije je i da se kroz konstruktivni dijalog između učesnika rasvetle problemi koji opterećuju poslovanje firmi iz sektora šumarstva i drvne industrije, i da se daju smernice za njihovo rešavanje.

On behalf of the Program and Organizing Committee / U ime programskog i organizacionog odbora:
Prof. dr Zdravko Popović
Prof. dr Milan Medarević
Prof. dr Branko Glavonjić
Prof. dr Milorad Danilović 

For more information  / Za detaljnije informacije o skupu
+381113053828  /
Application for participants can be downloaded here / Prijava za učesnike se može preuzeti ovde
PDF Download

Italian Design Day in Belgrade

Italian Design Day in Belgrade / 
Dani italijanskog dizajna u Beogradu
For the first time Belgrade celebrates Italian Design Day, with the guest of honor, the renowned director of the DOMUS Magazine, Nicola Di Battista / U Beogradu se po prvi put obeležava Dan italijanskog dizajna, uz počasnog gosta, direktora renomiranog časopisa DOMUS, Nikole Di Batista

On this occasion, the Mikser House will host a round-table on March 2 at 18h , where, in addition to Nicola Di Battista, the following participants would also take part: architect Vladimir Lojanica, fashion designer Dragana Ognjenović, industrial designer Marko Luković, and architect Zoran Djukanović as a moderator / Ovim povodom, u Mikser House-u, biće organizovan okrugli sto, 2. marta u 18h, na kome će osim Nikole Di Baptista, govoriti i arhitekta Vladimir Lojanica, modna kreatorka Dragana Ognjenović, industrijski dizajner Marko Luković i arhitekta Zoran Đukanović u ulozi moderatora.

For more info visit / Za dodatne informacije posetite
