COCA-COLA DIZAJNSPIRACIJA Konkurs za primenjeni dizajn

COCA-COLA DIZAJNSPIRACIJA  | Konkurs za primenjeni dizajn / COCA-COLA DIZAJNSPIRACIJA | Contest for applied designs
U želji da afirmiše lokalnu umetnost kompanija Coca-Cola Srbija poziva studente i diplomce fakulteta i visokoškolskih ustanova da se prijave na konkurs i da osmisle jedinstveni dizajn elemenata za opremanje kafića inspirisanih Coca-Colom. Tražimo originalne predmete koji će postati prestižni element enterijera nekih od najboljih kafića i restorana u zemlji u tri kategorije / In order to promote local art Coca-Cola Serbia invites students and graduates of domestic universities and higher education institutions to apply for the competition and create unique design elements, inspired by Coca-Cola, for furnishing cafes interiors. We are looking for original items that will become a prestigious element of the interior of some of the best cafes and restaurants in the country in three categories


DIZAJN RASVETE (različita rešenja za osvetljenje u prostoru, stone i viseće lampe, lusteri, plafonjere…) 
DESIGN OF LIGHTING EQUIPMENT (different lighting solutions in space, table and hanging lamps, chandeliers, ceiling lamps ...)

DIZAJN NAMEŠTAJA (sto, bar, barske stolice, barski stolovi, stolice, sofe, kanabe, fotelje….)
FURNITURE DESIGN (table, bar, bar stools, bar tables, chairs, sofas, kanabe, armchairs ...).

DIZAJN DEKORATIVNIH ELEMENATA (vaze, držači za salvete, meni, čiviluci, razne inovacije na drugim elementima za enterijer i eksterijer…)
DESIGN OF DECORATIVE ELEMENTS (vases, napkin holders, menus, coat racks, various innovations to other elements of interior and exterior ...)


Radove inspirisane Coca-Colom zainteresovani kandidati mogu izraditi u formi skice, nacrta, fotografije modela ili 3D modela i postaviti na sajtu u periodu od 18. aprila do 18. maja 2017. godine / Works, inspired by Coca-Cola, interested candidates can prepare in the form of sketches, drawings, photos, models or 3D models and upload on the website in the period from 18 April to 18 May 2017


O pobednicima konkursa, čija će imena biti objavljena 25.maja 2017, odlučivaće žiri u sastavu / The contest winners, whose names will be published on 25 May 2017, will be decided by the following jury:

Marko Basarovski arhitekta, Akademija primenjenih umetnosti, unutrašnja arhitektura i dizajn nameštaja, Beograd
Marko Basarovski - Architect, Academy of Applied Arts, Interior Architecture and Furniture Design, Belgrade

Nemanja Jehlička- kreativni direktor LoremIpsum Studio
Nemanja Jehlička - Creative Director of Studio LoremIpsum 

Petar Popović Piros – grafički dizajner Piros Art
Petar Popović Piros - Graphic Designer at Piros Art

Monika Lang – ilustrator i grafički dizajner, docent Fakulteta za umetnost i dizajn
Monika Lang - Illustrator and Graphic Designer, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Art and Design 

Aleksandar Savić- grafički dizajner i ilustrator
Aleksandar Savić - Graphic Designer and Illustrator 

Vesna Pešić – grafički dizajner i ilustrator
Vesna Pešić - Graphic Designer and Illustrator

Emilija Radojičić – vizuelna umetnica 
Emilija Radojčić - Visual Artist


Po jedan rad biće odabran u svakoj od tri kategorije i nagrađen: / A single work in each of the the three categories will be selected and awarded with the following prizes:

NOVČANOM NAGRADOM od 1000 evra (isplaćenih u dinarskoj protivvrednosti po srednjem kursu NBS na dan isplate) 
With 1,000 euros (paid in dinars at the average exchange rate of NBS at the time of the disbursement)

PROMOCIJOM nagrađenih kandidata i njihovih radova na otvaranju festivala Dev9t.
PROMOTION of the winning candidates and their work at the opening of the festival Dev9t


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