COCA-COLA DIZAJNSPIRACIJA Konkurs za primenjeni dizajn

COCA-COLA DIZAJNSPIRACIJA  | Konkurs za primenjeni dizajn / COCA-COLA DIZAJNSPIRACIJA | Contest for applied designs
U želji da afirmiše lokalnu umetnost kompanija Coca-Cola Srbija poziva studente i diplomce fakulteta i visokoškolskih ustanova da se prijave na konkurs i da osmisle jedinstveni dizajn elemenata za opremanje kafića inspirisanih Coca-Colom. Tražimo originalne predmete koji će postati prestižni element enterijera nekih od najboljih kafića i restorana u zemlji u tri kategorije / In order to promote local art Coca-Cola Serbia invites students and graduates of domestic universities and higher education institutions to apply for the competition and create unique design elements, inspired by Coca-Cola, for furnishing cafes interiors. We are looking for original items that will become a prestigious element of the interior of some of the best cafes and restaurants in the country in three categories


DIZAJN RASVETE (različita rešenja za osvetljenje u prostoru, stone i viseće lampe, lusteri, plafonjere…) 
DESIGN OF LIGHTING EQUIPMENT (different lighting solutions in space, table and hanging lamps, chandeliers, ceiling lamps ...)

DIZAJN NAMEŠTAJA (sto, bar, barske stolice, barski stolovi, stolice, sofe, kanabe, fotelje….)
FURNITURE DESIGN (table, bar, bar stools, bar tables, chairs, sofas, kanabe, armchairs ...).

DIZAJN DEKORATIVNIH ELEMENATA (vaze, držači za salvete, meni, čiviluci, razne inovacije na drugim elementima za enterijer i eksterijer…)
DESIGN OF DECORATIVE ELEMENTS (vases, napkin holders, menus, coat racks, various innovations to other elements of interior and exterior ...)


Radove inspirisane Coca-Colom zainteresovani kandidati mogu izraditi u formi skice, nacrta, fotografije modela ili 3D modela i postaviti na sajtu u periodu od 18. aprila do 18. maja 2017. godine / Works, inspired by Coca-Cola, interested candidates can prepare in the form of sketches, drawings, photos, models or 3D models and upload on the website in the period from 18 April to 18 May 2017


O pobednicima konkursa, čija će imena biti objavljena 25.maja 2017, odlučivaće žiri u sastavu / The contest winners, whose names will be published on 25 May 2017, will be decided by the following jury:

Marko Basarovski arhitekta, Akademija primenjenih umetnosti, unutrašnja arhitektura i dizajn nameštaja, Beograd
Marko Basarovski - Architect, Academy of Applied Arts, Interior Architecture and Furniture Design, Belgrade

Nemanja Jehlička- kreativni direktor LoremIpsum Studio
Nemanja Jehlička - Creative Director of Studio LoremIpsum 

Petar Popović Piros – grafički dizajner Piros Art
Petar Popović Piros - Graphic Designer at Piros Art

Monika Lang – ilustrator i grafički dizajner, docent Fakulteta za umetnost i dizajn
Monika Lang - Illustrator and Graphic Designer, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Art and Design 

Aleksandar Savić- grafički dizajner i ilustrator
Aleksandar Savić - Graphic Designer and Illustrator 

Vesna Pešić – grafički dizajner i ilustrator
Vesna Pešić - Graphic Designer and Illustrator

Emilija Radojičić – vizuelna umetnica 
Emilija Radojčić - Visual Artist


Po jedan rad biće odabran u svakoj od tri kategorije i nagrađen: / A single work in each of the the three categories will be selected and awarded with the following prizes:

NOVČANOM NAGRADOM od 1000 evra (isplaćenih u dinarskoj protivvrednosti po srednjem kursu NBS na dan isplate) 
With 1,000 euros (paid in dinars at the average exchange rate of NBS at the time of the disbursement)

PROMOCIJOM nagrađenih kandidata i njihovih radova na otvaranju festivala Dev9t.
PROMOTION of the winning candidates and their work at the opening of the festival Dev9t


Call for Graphics & Illustrators KUĆA ZA SVE NAŠE LJUDE

KUĆA ZA SVE NAŠE LJUDE | Regional Call for for the facade graphics / Regionalni konkurs za grafički dizajn fasade 
Mikser Festival & Mikser House Sarajevo, along with Youth Employment Project (YEP), and the support of the Swiss Government, invites graphic designers and illustrators from the former Yugoslavia to participate in the competition for the graphic design of the facade of the future regional cultural center Mikser House which opens on September 9. in Sarajevo / Mikser Festival i Mikser House Sarajevo, Projekat zapošljavanja mladih (YEP), uz podršku Vlade Švajcarske, pozivaju grafičke dizajnere i ilustratore sa područja bivše Jugoslavije da učestvuju na konkursu za grafički dizajn fasade budućeg regionalnog kulturnog centra Mikser House koji se otvara 9.septembra.2017. godine u Sarajevu


The competition aims to create new opportunities for professional realization of creative talents from the Balkans and the promotion of graphic design as a discipline beyond the expected media, in an urban area. Authors are invited to come up with a creative solution to the facade of an abandoned factory hall that will be transformed, through reuse, into a "factory of culture", and contribute to the revitalization of the neighborhood Pofalići, ensuring that the solutions reflect the core values advocated by the Cultural Center "Mikser House": multidisciplinary approach, multiculturalism, urban spirit, linking the region through culture, the idea of an open society for everyone. / Konkurs ima za cilj kreiranje novih mogućnosti za profesionalno ostvarenje kreativnih talenata sa Balkana i promovisanje grafičkog dizajna kao discipline izvan očekivanih medija, u urbanom prostoru. Autori se pozivaju da osmisle kreativno rešenje za fasadu napuštene fabričke hale koja će se novom namenom transformisati u “fabriku kulture”, i doprinesu revitalizaciji kvarta Pofalići, vodeći računa da svojim rešenjima reflektuju glavne vrednosti koje zagovara kulturni centar “Mikser House”: multidisciplinarnost, multikulturalnost, urbani duh, povezivanje regiona kulturom, ideju otvorenog društva za sve.


Mikser House is an independent cultural center that combines artistic, social, educational and commercial activities in the area of revitalized industrial heritage. The programs are devoted to the development of local talents and creative sector of the Balkans, as well as the affirmation of multiculturalism, social activism and sustainable model of development of the city. Mikser House brings together artists and professionals from across the region, and represents the meeting point people, architects, designers, artists, musicians, companies, civil society, public institutions, media, international and local communities. After five years of work in the Belgrade neighborhood of Savamala during which it was held more than 1500 cultural events with more than a million visitors, Mikser House opens its regional center in an industrial neighborhood Pofalići in Sarajevo, 9 September, 2017 / Mikser House je nezavisni kulturni centar koji spaja umetničke, društvene, edukativne i komercijalne aktivnosti u prostoru revitalizovanog industrijskog nasleđa. Programi su posvećeni razvoju lokalnih talenata i kreativnog sektora Balkana, kao i afirmaciji multikulturalnosti, društvenog aktivizma i održivih modela razvoja grada. Mikser House okuplja stvaraoce i stručnjake iz celog regiona, i predstavlja mesto susreta građana, arhitekata, dizajnera, umetnika, muzičara, kompanija, civilnog sektora, javnih institucija, medija, međunarodne i lokalne zajednice. Nakon pet godina rada u beogradskom kvartu Savamala tokom kojih je održano preko 1500 kulturnih događaja sa više od million posetilaca, Mikser House otvara vrata svog regionalnog centra u industrijskom kvartu Pofalići u Sarajevu, 9. septembra, 2017. godine.


Mirko Ilić, Illustrator and graphic designer / professor at the New York School of Visual Arts SVA
Mirko Ilić, illustrator i grafički dizajner / profesor, Škola vizuelnih umetnosti, Njujork 

Bojan Hadžihalilović, graphic designer / professor, Academy of Fine Arts, Sarajevo
Bojan Hadžihalilović, grafički dizajner / profesor, Akademija likovnih umjetnosti, Sarajevo

Maja Lalić, architect and urbanist / creative director of Mikser House, Belgrade
Maja Lalić, arhitekta i urbanista / kreativni direktor Mikser House, Beograd


FIRST ROUND: 20 finalists / PRVI KRUG: 20 finalista

In the first round, the jury will select the finalists, whose work will be presented to the public in the form of the collective exhibition "Kuća za sve naše ljude" at the Mikser Festival 2017 in Belgrade, from 25 to 28 May. After opening the Mikser House in Sarajevo, the exhibition will be presented to the Sarajevo audience. / U prvom krugu žiriranja, žiri će odabrati finaliste konkursa čiji će radovi biti predstavljeni javnosti u vidu kolektivne izložbe “Kuća za sve naše ljude” na Mikser festivalu 2017 u Beogradu, u periodu od 25. do 28. maja. Nakon otvaranja Mikser House-a u Sarajevu, izložba će biti predstavljena i sarajevskoj publici. 

In addition to participation in the exhibition, the authors selected in the first round of the competition will have the opportunity to attend mentored workshops and lectures at the Festival. Interested finalists will have the opportunity in the future to participate in the programs of professional development and public presentation of works to potential customers (speed dating, career days), which will be held at Mikser House in Sarajevo after the opening of the center, as well as to present their work to the Mikser House management- with the goal to hire a graphic designer as a part of the creative team of the new cultural center in Sarajevo. / Pored učešća na izložbi, autori odabrani u prvom krugu konkursa imaće priliku da pohađaju mentorisane radionice i prisustvuju stručnim predavanjima na Mikser festivalu. Zainteresovani finalisti će imati priliku da u budućnosti učestvuju u programima profesionalnog usavršavanja i javnog predstavljanja radovapotencijalnim klijentima (speed dating, career days) koji će biti organizovani u Mikser House-u Sarajevu nakon otvaranja centra, kao i da svoj rad predstave upravi Mikser House-a sa ciljem zaposlenja na poziciji grafičkog dizajnera unutar kreativnog tima novog kulturnog centra u Sarajevu.  

All participants of the exhibition will be awarded special prizes. / Svim učesnicima izložbe biće uručena specijalna priznanja.

SECOND ROUND: Three main awards and Mikser Festival 2017 Audience Award
DRUGI KRUG: Tri glavne nagrade i Nagrada publike Mikser Festivala 2017

At the closing of the exhibition, the jury will declare the winners and award the top three prizes of the competition, as well as the Mikser Festival 2017. Audience Award / Na zatvaranju izložbe, žiri će proglasiti dobitnike i dodeliti prve tri nagrade konkursa, kao i Nagradu publike Mikser Festivala 2017.



FORESDA | The Way to Competitiveness & Innovation

FORESDA | Towards Competitiveness & Innovation - SUCCESSFUL MEETING IN LJUBLJANA 

Prof. dr Goran Milić from the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, addressing the meeting in Ljubljana /
 Prof dr Goran Milić, sa Šumarskog Fakulteta u Beogradu, obraća se skupu u Ljubljani 
Support to transformation and strengthening the competitiveness of the wood industry is one of the main objectives of the project FORESDA - Forest-based cross sectoral value chains fostering innovation and competitiveness in the Danube Region, which began on 1 January 2017 and will last 30 months, with the budget of 2,232,950.00 € / Podrška transformaciji i jačanju konkurentnosti drvne industrije jedan je od glavnih ciljeva projekta FORESDA – Forest-based cross sectoral value chains fostering innovation and competitiveness in the Danube Region, koji je započeo 1. januara 2017. i trajaće 30 meseci, uz planirani budžet od 2,232,950.00 € 


The project was officially launched 6-7th of March 2017, in Ljubljana, Slovenia - the kick-off meeting took place on Tuesday, 7th of March, at the Slovenian Forestry Institute, and it was dedicated to a broad audience, and approached a series of interesting topics (for more info visit: Detailed report from the meeting in Ljubljana/ Projekat je zvanično pokrenut 6-7 marta 2017, u Ljubljan - sastanakje održan u utorak, 7. marta, u Institutu za šumarstvo,Slovenije.i bio je posvećen širokoj publici, i obuhvatio brojne zanimljive teme (za više informacija posetite: Detaljan izveštaj sa sastanka u Ljubljani)


The wood industry in the Danube region, as well as other industries which are based on a timber, have the potential to become the motor of a viable and competitive economy, but, unfortunately, suffer from a significant difference, with a low level of internationalization, the lack of co-operation, and so the lack of innovation. Hence arose the project FORESDA to support the transformation of traditional sectors resting on forestry in the Danube region. Drvna industrija u Dunavskom regionu, kao i druge privredne grane koje su oslonjene na šumarstvo, imaju potencijal da postanu motor održive i konkurentne privrede, ali nažalost, pate od značajnih razlika, niskog nivoa internacionalizacije, nedostatka saradnje, nedostatka inovacija itd. Otuda je nastao projekat FORESDA u cilju podrške transformaciji tradicionalnih sektora oslonjenih na šumarstvo u Dunavskom regionu. 


Through its activities, FORESDA will transform the wood industry and other traditional industries to innovative, modern sectors which rely on the forest; develop eco-systems ready for innovation, in order to improve, or reconfigure existing value chains; strive to improve innovation and the development of awareness of the need for innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises, strengthen cooperation in quadruple helix model and implement new ways of cooperation in the Danube region.Kroz svoje aktivnosti, FORESDA će transformisati drvnu industriju tako i druge tradicionalne privredne grane u inovativne, moderne sektore koje su oslonjene na šumu; razviće eko-sisteme spremne za inovacije, sa ciljem da se poboljšaju ili rekonfigurišu postojeći lanci vrednosti; težiti ka poboljšanju inovacija i razvoju svesti o potrebi inovacija u malim i srednjim preduzećima, jačati saradnju po modelu četvorostrukog heliksa i implementirati novi načini saradnje u Podunavlju. 
To obtain more resources from the Danube region, which is energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable, project will:. / U cilju dobijanja više resursa iz Podunavskog regiona koji je energetski efikasan i ekološki održiv projekat će: 
  • connect the wood industry with other relevant sectors / povezati sektor drvne industrije sa drugim relevantnim sektorima 
  • reach a large number of small and medium enterprises and other organizations that act as catalysts of innovation processes / dopreti do velikog broja malih i srednjih preduzeća i drugih organizacija koje deluju kao katalizatori inovacionih procesa 
  • link the various stakeholders within, and between the sector value chains and capacity / povezati različite zainteresovane strane unutar i između sektorskih lanaca vrednosti i izgradnje kapaciteta 
  • generate ideas and work on capacity building / generisati ideje i raditi na izgradnji kapaciteta 
  • Implement pilot innovation solutions and sustainable network of cooperation thanks to a transnational approach Implementirati pilot inovaciona rešenja i održivu mrežu saradnje zahvaljujući transnacionalnom pristupu, 
FORESDA will make a significant contribution to:FORESDA će dati značajan doprinos: 
  • modernization of the wood sector, which will be more attractive / modernizaciji drvnog sektora, koji će učiniti atraktivnijim 
  • developing entrepreneurship / razvoju preduzetništva 
  • making projects related to the timber industry be more competitive / učiniće da projekti u vezi sa drvnom industrijom budu konkurentniji 
  • strive for the return of manufacturing production with competitive high-quality products in Europe Project co-funded by the European Union 2 / težiće vraćanju manufakturne proizvodnje sa konkurentnim visoko-kvalitetnim proizvodima u Evropi Project co-funded by the European Union 2
  • Increased efficiency of the joint research and innovation activity, which leads to the appearance of new chains inter-sector value, particularly in the area of smart and sustainable furniture structures, innovative materials and products which are based on the viability and the energy efficiency; / Povećana efikasnost zajedničkih istraživanja i inovacionih aktivnosti, što vodi ka pojavi novih lanaca međusektorski vrednosti, pre svega u oblasti pametnih i održivih konstrukcija nameštaja, inovativnih proizvoda i materijala koji se zasnivaju na održivosti i energetskoj efikasnosti; 
  • Strengthening the capacity of innovation in the relevant intermediary organizations such as clusters; / Jačanje kapaciteta upravljanja inovacijama u relevantnim posredničkim organizacijama kao što su klasteri; 
  • Permanent transnational approach and strategy of development of sectors relying on forestry. / Trajan transnacionalni pristup i strategija razvoja sektora oslonjenih na šumarstvo. 

CyberForum e.V. Germany: Regional Economic Development Agency of Northern Black Forest Germany; inno AG Germany; Wood Industry Cluster Slovenia; Slovenian Forestry Institute; Salzburg University of Applied Sciences Austria; Zala County Foundation for Enterprise Promotion Hungary; Croatian Wood Cluster; KO-FA Association – legal entity of the PRO WOOD Regional Wood Cluster Romania; Bulgarian Furniture Cluster: University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry Serbia; Zenica Development Agency Bosnia and Herzegovina; Agency for economic development of Municipality Prijedor “PREDAPD” Bosnia and Herzegovina; Project co-funded by the European Union 3 Innovation and Technology Transfer Salzburg GmbH Austria; Cluster Management for Wood Austria; Virovitica-Podravina County Croatia; Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia; Wood Industry Directorate Slovenia; Regional Development Agency Centru Region Romania; Ministry for National Economy Hungary; Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining Bosnia and Herzegovina 

For more info visit the web site of the project / Za više informacija pogledajte veb sajt projekta



Mikser Festival and the Academy of Applied Arts in Belgrade invite authors to participate in the competition for artworks which will be presented at the Mikser Festival, from 25 to 28 May 2017, in Žitomlin silos, at lower Dorćol / Mikser festival i Fakultet primenjenih umetnosti u Beogradu pozivaju autore da učestvuju na konkursu za umetničke radove koji će biti predstavljeni u okviru predstojećeg Mikser festivala, od 25. do 28. maja 2017, u silosima Žitomlina na donjem Dorćolu


The "Black Box" project was created in 2015 in cooperation of Mikser Festival and Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade as a platform to support the development of young artists in the field of fine arts and the presentation of their work to the general public. With a current topic, 100 authors selected by the competition jury gets presented each year./ Projekat “Black Box” nastao je 2015. godine u saradnji Mikser Festivala i Fakulteta primenjenih umetnosti u Beogradu kao platforma za podršku razvoja mladih autora iz oblasti likovnih umetnosti i prezentacije njihovog stvaralaštva u najširoj javnosti. Uz aktuelnu temu, svake godine predstavlja se 100 autora odabranih na konkursu od strane stručnog žirija.

The aim of the project is to emphasize the problem that burdens the young artists in the contemporary social context, to empower them to publicly express their visions and contribute to the solution of social problems, and improve life in the community / Cilj projekta je ukazivanje na problematiku koja opterećuje mlade stvaraoce u savremenom društvenom kontekstu, njihovo osnaživanje da se javno izraze i svojim vizijama doprinesu rešenju društvenih problema, te unapređenju života u zajednici. 

The project highlights the importance of art installations in alternative urban spaces, their accessibility to a wide audience, as well as the connection between artistic practice with other spheres of life - science, technology, economy and society. / Projekat ističe i značaj umetničkih instalacija u alternativnim gradskim prostorima, njihovu dostupnost širokoj publici, kao i povezanosti umetničke prakse sa ostalim sferama života - naukom, tehnologijama, ekonomijom i društvom.


Black Box 2017 probe vision of the near future of the young generation of artists, under the symptomatic title "The Fall to the Future." Maturing on the ruins of an institutional culture, with no new ideas, plans and visions, plunged into complete hibernation, an entire generation found itself in an endless space without perspective, surrounded by walls of inability and limits for creative work. / Black Box 2017 sondira vizije bliske budućnosti mlade generacije umetnika, pod simptomatičnim naslovom „Pad u budućnost“. Stasavajući na razvalinama institucionalne kulture koja je, bez svežih ideja, planova i vizije, zaronila u potpunu hibernaciju, čitava jedna generacija našla se u bezizlaznom prostoru bez perspektiva, opasana zidovima nemogućnosti i ograničenjima za stvaralački rad. "Black Box" is a synonym for narrowness, but also a chance to accumulate energy necessary for the demolition of the walls. What awaits us behind them is a complete mystery. Is it an inevitable chasm, to which we are giving ourselves in to, in the free fall, or the tomorrow, sufficiently uncertain leaving the a chance for open scenarios for whose denouement we have to take far more ambitious role than a mere observer? Behind the wall is definitely the future, what kind, we'll find out at the Mikser Festival. Crna kutija“ je sinonim za skučenost, ali i šansa za akumuliranje energije neophodne za rušenje zidova. Šta nas čeka iza zidova, potpuna je nepoznanica. Da li sasvim izvesna provalija kojoj se prepuštamo slobodnim padom ili sutrašnjica dovoljno neizvesna da ostavlja šansu otvorenim scenarijima u čijim raspletima moramo uzeti daleko ambiciozniju ulogu od pukog posmatrača? Iza zida je svakako budućnost, kakva, saznaćemo na Mikser Festivalu. Black Box competition invites artists to anticipate the state of the society and the events that follow, defining their position in such a future. The dichotomy that carries this year's slogan: "The Fall to the Future" reflects the main objectives of the competition - raising questions about the relationship of young people towards the circumstances that seemingly they can not influence, and provoking the proactive attitude that is able to initiate change. Black Box Konkurs poziva umetnike da anticipiraju stanje društva i događaje koji slede, definišući svoju poziciju u takvoj budućnosti. Dihotomija koju nosi ovogodišnji slogan: „Pad u budućnost“ odražava glavne ciljeve konkursa - otvaranje pitanja o odnosu mladih prema okolnostima na koje naizgled ne mogu da utiču, te provociranje proaktivnog stava koji je u stanju da pokrene promene. 


Artists are invited to respond to the theme of the competition through the micro-artistic interventions on a very limited given space of a black cube, and based on the anatomy of personal intimate visions, to contribute to open a wider subject about possible alternative scenarios for the collective well-being. There is no limit in selection of artistic techniques, but it is desirable to deliver ideas as premiere concepts. / Umetnici su pozvani da odgovore na temu konkursa kroz mikro-umetničke intervencije na veoma ograničenom zadatom prostoru crne kocke, i na osnovu anatomije ličnih, intimnih vizija doprinesu da se otvori šira tema o mogućim alternativnim scenarijima za kolektivni boljitak. Ne postoji ograničenje u odabiru umetničke tehnike, ali je poželjno da dostavljena rešenja budu premijerni koncepti.


Marko Lađušić - Full Professor at Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade / Redovni profesor na Fakultetu primenjenih umetnosti, Beograd 
Melinda Kostelac - Docent Vice Dean, Academy of Applied Arts, Rijeka / Docent Prodekan, Akademija Primenjenih umjetnosti, Rijeka
Dejan Miljković – Full Professor at Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade / Redovni profesor, Arhitektonski fakultet, Beograd


Collective setup consists of 100 black boxes of rigid material, the size of 60x60x60cm, which are the subject of individual intervention of the artist and together make up the macro-installation in an industrial complex Žitomlin, available mass public festivals mixer. / Kolektivna postavka sastoji se od 100 crnih kutija od čvrstog materijala, veličine 60x60x60cm, koje su predmet individualnih intervencija umetnika i zajedno čine makro-instalaciju u industrijskom kompleksu Žitomlin, dostupnu masovnoj publici Mikser festivala. / Depending on the nature of the work, the boxes will be placed on mobile carriers, fixed to the walls or draped in space. In consultation with the artists, the works will be arranged at defined positions in the open and in the industrial area of the silo. Projects can be realized whiting the box, or treat the box as a containing object of the work, including the performances that treat the black box/es as the element of scenery, with a conceptually different approaches to their content (by opening one side, perceiving through the openings, through video and audio recording, etc.). / U zavisnosti od prirode rada, kutije će biti postavljene na pokretne nosače, fiksirane na zidove ili razapete u prostoru. U dogovoru sa umetnicima, radovi će biti raspoređeni na definisanim pozicijama na otvorenom i u industrijskom prostoru silosa. Radovi mogu biti realizovani unutar kutije, ili tretirati kocku kao objekat sadržan u radu, uključujući i performance koji crnu kutiju ili više njih tretiraju kao elemente scene, sa koncepcijski različito osmišljenim pristupima njihovom sadržaju (otvaranjem jedne stranice kutije, sagledavanjem kroz otvor, putem video i audio zapisa, itd.)


The competition is open until 30 April 2017. /  Konkurs je otvoren do 30. aprila 2017. godine.

Competition results will be published on the website / Rezultati konkursa biće objavljeni na web stranici

In the period since the declaration of results, until the beginning of Mikser Festival, selected authors will participate in the development workshops in cooperation with the mentors of the "Black Box". / U periodu od proglašenja rezultata do početka Mikser festivala izabrani autori će učestvovati na razvojnim radionicama u saradnji sa mentorima projekta “Black Box”.

Duration of the exhibition within the Mikser Festival: 25th - 28th May, 2017 / Trajanje izložbe u okviru Mikser festivala: 25. - 28. maj, 2017. godine 


The competition is open to all artists, regardless of their status and formal education. Applicants may be individuals or groups of authors. Each candidate/group may submit multiple works as a separate application. Applications can be submitted by filling out an electronic form available at which will be active until 30 April 2017 midnight, with the submission of the project description, technical characteristics and visual/audio materials, drawings, sketches, etc. illustrating the work. By entering the contest, candidates confirm that they are the authors of all the accompanying projects and/or sketches, and that MIKSER has the right to publish the attached projects and/or drawings through all communication channels. / Konkurs je otvoren za sve umetnike, bez obzira na status i formalno obrazovanje. Kandidati mogu biti pojedinci ili grupa autora. Svaki kandidat/grupa može dostaviti više radova kao posebne prijave. Prijave se vrše popunjavanjem elektronskog formulara dostupnog na adresi koji će biti aktivan do 30. aprila 2017. godine u ponoć, uz dostavljanje opisa projekta, tehničkih karakteristika i vizuelnih/audio materijala, crteža, skica, itd. koje ilustruju rad. Prijavom na konkurs kandidati potvrđuju da su autori svih priloženih radova i/ili skica i da MIKSER ima pravo objavljivanja priloženih radova i/ili skica na svim komunikacionim kanalima.


The works selected in the competition will be exhibited within a collective exhibition "Black Box: The Fall to the Future" at the Mikser Festival 2017, from 25 to 28 May. In addition to participation in the central art exhibition of Mikser Festival 2017, award-winning authors will have the opportunity to present their creative work to the public and colleagues through talks program at Mikser Festival.Edu Zone / Radovi odabrani na konkursu biće izloženi u okviru kolektivne izložbe “Black Box: Pad u budućnost” na Mikser festivalu 2017. godine, u periodu od 25. do 28. maja. Pored učešća u centralnoj umetničkoj izložbi Mikser Festivala 2017, nagrađeni autori imaće priliku i da svoj stvaralački opus predstave javnosti i kolegama, tokom razgovora u okviru Edu zone Mikser festivala.


Marko Lađušić


Marko Stanković
Irena Hadži-Đorđević
Ana Čarapina



Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade / Fakultet Primenjenih Umetnosti u Beogradu