FORESDA | The Way to Competitiveness & Innovation
FORESDA | Towards Competitiveness & Innovation - SUCCESSFUL MEETING IN LJUBLJANA
Support to transformation and strengthening the competitiveness of the wood industry is one of the main objectives of the project FORESDA - Forest-based cross sectoral value chains fostering innovation and competitiveness in the Danube Region, which began on 1 January 2017 and will last 30 months, with the budget of 2,232,950.00 € / Podrška transformaciji i jačanju konkurentnosti drvne industrije jedan je od glavnih ciljeva projekta FORESDA – Forest-based cross sectoral value chains fostering innovation and competitiveness in the Danube Region, koji je započeo 1. januara 2017. i trajaće 30 meseci, uz planirani budžet od 2,232,950.00 €
The project was officially launched 6-7th of March 2017, in Ljubljana, Slovenia - the kick-off meeting took place on Tuesday, 7th of March, at the Slovenian Forestry Institute, and it was dedicated to a broad audience, and approached a series of interesting topics (for more info visit: Detailed report from the meeting in Ljubljana) / Projekat je zvanično pokrenut 6-7 marta 2017, u Ljubljan - sastanakje održan u utorak, 7. marta, u Institutu za šumarstvo,Slovenije.i bio je posvećen širokoj publici, i obuhvatio brojne zanimljive teme (za više informacija posetite: Detaljan izveštaj sa sastanka u Ljubljani)
For more info visit the web site of the project / Za više informacija pogledajte veb sajt projekta
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Prof. dr Goran Milić from the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, addressing the meeting in Ljubljana / Prof dr Goran Milić, sa Šumarskog Fakulteta u Beogradu, obraća se skupu u Ljubljani |
The project was officially launched 6-7th of March 2017, in Ljubljana, Slovenia - the kick-off meeting took place on Tuesday, 7th of March, at the Slovenian Forestry Institute, and it was dedicated to a broad audience, and approached a series of interesting topics (for more info visit: Detailed report from the meeting in Ljubljana) / Projekat je zvanično pokrenut 6-7 marta 2017, u Ljubljan - sastanakje održan u utorak, 7. marta, u Institutu za šumarstvo,Slovenije.i bio je posvećen širokoj publici, i obuhvatio brojne zanimljive teme (za više informacija posetite: Detaljan izveštaj sa sastanka u Ljubljani)
The wood industry in the Danube region, as well as other industries which are based on a timber, have the potential to become the motor of a viable and competitive economy, but, unfortunately, suffer from a significant difference, with a low level of internationalization, the lack of co-operation, and so the lack of innovation. Hence arose the project FORESDA to support the transformation of traditional sectors resting on forestry in the Danube region. / Drvna industrija u Dunavskom regionu, kao i druge privredne grane koje su oslonjene na šumarstvo, imaju potencijal da postanu motor održive i konkurentne privrede, ali nažalost, pate od značajnih razlika, niskog nivoa internacionalizacije, nedostatka saradnje, nedostatka inovacija itd. Otuda je nastao projekat FORESDA u cilju podrške transformaciji tradicionalnih sektora oslonjenih na šumarstvo u Dunavskom regionu.
The wood industry in the Danube region, as well as other industries which are based on a timber, have the potential to become the motor of a viable and competitive economy, but, unfortunately, suffer from a significant difference, with a low level of internationalization, the lack of co-operation, and so the lack of innovation. Hence arose the project FORESDA to support the transformation of traditional sectors resting on forestry in the Danube region. / Drvna industrija u Dunavskom regionu, kao i druge privredne grane koje su oslonjene na šumarstvo, imaju potencijal da postanu motor održive i konkurentne privrede, ali nažalost, pate od značajnih razlika, niskog nivoa internacionalizacije, nedostatka saradnje, nedostatka inovacija itd. Otuda je nastao projekat FORESDA u cilju podrške transformaciji tradicionalnih sektora oslonjenih na šumarstvo u Dunavskom regionu.
Through its activities, FORESDA will transform the wood industry and other traditional industries to innovative, modern sectors which rely on the forest; develop eco-systems ready for innovation, in order to improve, or reconfigure existing value chains; strive to improve innovation and the development of awareness of the need for innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises, strengthen cooperation in quadruple helix model and implement new ways of cooperation in the Danube region./ Kroz svoje aktivnosti, FORESDA će transformisati drvnu industriju tako i druge tradicionalne privredne grane u inovativne, moderne sektore koje su oslonjene na šumu; razviće eko-sisteme spremne za inovacije, sa ciljem da se poboljšaju ili rekonfigurišu postojeći lanci vrednosti; težiti ka poboljšanju inovacija i razvoju svesti o potrebi inovacija u malim i srednjim preduzećima, jačati saradnju po modelu četvorostrukog heliksa i implementirati novi načini saradnje u Podunavlju.
Through its activities, FORESDA will transform the wood industry and other traditional industries to innovative, modern sectors which rely on the forest; develop eco-systems ready for innovation, in order to improve, or reconfigure existing value chains; strive to improve innovation and the development of awareness of the need for innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises, strengthen cooperation in quadruple helix model and implement new ways of cooperation in the Danube region./ Kroz svoje aktivnosti, FORESDA će transformisati drvnu industriju tako i druge tradicionalne privredne grane u inovativne, moderne sektore koje su oslonjene na šumu; razviće eko-sisteme spremne za inovacije, sa ciljem da se poboljšaju ili rekonfigurišu postojeći lanci vrednosti; težiti ka poboljšanju inovacija i razvoju svesti o potrebi inovacija u malim i srednjim preduzećima, jačati saradnju po modelu četvorostrukog heliksa i implementirati novi načini saradnje u Podunavlju.
To obtain more resources from the Danube region, which is energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable, project will:. / U cilju dobijanja više resursa iz Podunavskog regiona koji je energetski efikasan i ekološki održiv projekat će:
- connect the wood industry with other relevant sectors / povezati sektor drvne industrije sa drugim relevantnim sektorima
- reach a large number of small and medium enterprises and other organizations that act as catalysts of innovation processes / dopreti do velikog broja malih i srednjih preduzeća i drugih organizacija koje deluju kao katalizatori inovacionih procesa
- link the various stakeholders within, and between the sector value chains and capacity / povezati različite zainteresovane strane unutar i između sektorskih lanaca vrednosti i izgradnje kapaciteta
- generate ideas and work on capacity building / generisati ideje i raditi na izgradnji kapaciteta
- Implement pilot innovation solutions and sustainable network of cooperation thanks to a transnational approach / Implementirati pilot inovaciona rešenja i održivu mrežu saradnje zahvaljujući transnacionalnom pristupu,
FORESDA will make a significant contribution to: / FORESDA će dati značajan doprinos:
- modernization of the wood sector, which will be more attractive / modernizaciji drvnog sektora, koji će učiniti atraktivnijim
- developing entrepreneurship / razvoju preduzetništva
- making projects related to the timber industry be more competitive / učiniće da projekti u vezi sa drvnom industrijom budu konkurentniji
- strive for the return of manufacturing production with competitive high-quality products in Europe Project co-funded by the European Union 2 / težiće vraćanju manufakturne proizvodnje sa konkurentnim visoko-kvalitetnim proizvodima u Evropi Project co-funded by the European Union 2
- Increased efficiency of the joint research and innovation activity, which leads to the appearance of new chains inter-sector value, particularly in the area of smart and sustainable furniture structures, innovative materials and products which are based on the viability and the energy efficiency; / Povećana efikasnost zajedničkih istraživanja i inovacionih aktivnosti, što vodi ka pojavi novih lanaca međusektorski vrednosti, pre svega u oblasti pametnih i održivih konstrukcija nameštaja, inovativnih proizvoda i materijala koji se zasnivaju na održivosti i energetskoj efikasnosti;
- Strengthening the capacity of innovation in the relevant intermediary organizations such as clusters; / Jačanje kapaciteta upravljanja inovacijama u relevantnim posredničkim organizacijama kao što su klasteri;
- Permanent transnational approach and strategy of development of sectors relying on forestry. / Trajan transnacionalni pristup i strategija razvoja sektora oslonjenih na šumarstvo.
CyberForum e.V. Germany: Regional Economic Development Agency of Northern Black Forest Germany; inno AG Germany; Wood Industry Cluster Slovenia; Slovenian Forestry Institute; Salzburg University of Applied Sciences Austria; Zala County Foundation for Enterprise Promotion Hungary; Croatian Wood Cluster; KO-FA Association – legal entity of the PRO WOOD Regional Wood Cluster Romania; Bulgarian Furniture Cluster: University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry Serbia; Zenica Development Agency Bosnia and Herzegovina; Agency for economic development of Municipality Prijedor “PREDAPD” Bosnia and Herzegovina; Project co-funded by the European Union 3 Innovation and Technology Transfer Salzburg GmbH Austria; Cluster Management for Wood Austria; Virovitica-Podravina County Croatia; Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia; Wood Industry Directorate Slovenia; Regional Development Agency Centru Region Romania; Ministry for National Economy Hungary; Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining Bosnia and Herzegovina
For more info visit the web site of the project / Za više informacija pogledajte veb sajt projekta
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